#LiveGibStrong Epi-Tip #8: Healing Through Therapeutic Laser Therapy

Many of you know and have followed Gibson's treatments for weak hind end issues, including his current bout of right rear leg lameness. K-Laser therapy administered by my veterinarian staff is just amazing and has really helped Gibson with the side effects from the meds such as weak hind end issues, strained muscles, torn CCLs, and arthritis. Since one of Gibson's Epilepsy medications are Phenobarbital, which can affect the liver, it's very important for me to not overload him with more medications for his liver to have to process. It's a great non-invasive holistic method of healing. Below is the video we created of Gibson receiving his treatment, which is like a spa day for him! If you haven't thought about laser therapy, check with your vet about this being an option for your dog. To read more about K-Laser therapy, visit My K-Lasaer Pet.com , where you'll find our video of Gibson (below) also listed! Don't forget to visit our auction to benefi...