A #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong Exclusive! The Wally Foundation: Helping Families of Epidogs

Do You Know About The Wally Foundation? The Wally Foundation~Canine Epilepsy (TWF) is a non-profit organization based in Delaware that commenced operations in 2013. TWF offers possible financial assistance to families and rescues caring for dogs diagnosed with idiopathic Canine Epilepsy so that a family with an Epidog (dog with Canine Epilepsy) did not have to choose between getting medication for their dog or euthanization. In order to bring you the most current information on what this wonderful organization is doing, I recently interviewed Rick Selwood, Founder and Executive Director of the organization named after his beloved Epidog, Wally. To date, they have assisted 217 families with medications or cash assistance to care for their Epi-dogs! "FIVESIBESMOM" DOROTHY WILLS-RAFTERY (DWR): The Wally Foundation is now a nonprofit charity organization. When did TWF get granted the status, and what does this mean for the work you do? RICK SELWOOD (RS): TWF was granted...