Woo-Woo...All Aboard for Today's Stop Along the Blog Book Release Tour

Today's What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy Book Release Blog Tour stops at the Gimpy Dogs , and we are so pleased to be part of their blog and truly enjoyed their interview. We want to give a big "thank woo" to them for joining our book tour and for helping to spread the word about Canine Epilepsy Awareness and our book. We sure hope you'll pop over and read their great article and take some time to read some of their other great stories about dogs with special needs and the listing of resources available. We sure had a lot of fun and want to extend our wholehearted thanks for featuring us! Gibson is pooped from all the touring, but loves that his furpals are helping to spread the word about Canine Epilepsy Awareness and helping to promote his book in order to help raise funds for the Canine Epilepsy Resources , a non-profit organization that provides valuable information and resources to Epi-Dog parents worldwide. He is busy catching some zz...