Flashback Friday #35: Looking Back on the Dog Days of Summer with the FiveSibes & Friends "Summer Fun" Video!

Harley, poolside, on lifedog duty. Summer in many areas is starting to wind down...Labor Day has passed, the kids are back in school, and while there are still a few days of summer-like temperatures, the cooler temps are on the way - which of course, is music to a Siberian Husky's ears! Our FiveSibes kids have had enough lounging in the air conditioned house, lying under fans, and splashing in the pool. On a few cool nights we've had here in New York (before the recent two-day heatwave, complete with high humidity) the Huskies have had lots of pep in their steps and were "woooing" more songs than they have all summer! Wolf is tuckered out from all the summer fun! For this week's "Flashback Friday," we are going to take a look back at how Summertime was such a fun season for our furpals from across the globe, and as you'll see from this video slideshow, how they all "beat the heat," with lots of splashing and lounging in pools,...