Lights! Camera! Action! Celebrating National Pets in Film Day With Our #FiveSibes Stars!

A still from the Nancy Simmonds/Musik Tails Video "Rev Me Up" a/k/a "Husky Song" National Pets in Film Day was celebrated on June 19th, and it's a perfect time for a #FlashbackFriday post about when I was so thrilled when "The Dog Singer" a/k/a Nancy Simmonds, asked my FiveSibes to be in her upcoming music video! Of course I said yes, or in Husky-speak, Wooo! When Nancy released "The Husky Dog Song," also known as "Rev Me Up" in 2015, she created a music video to accompany it that starred my FiveSibes: Harley, Gibson, Wolf, Chloe, and Bandit via my photographs of them! That was pretty exciting, and still is every time I play the video! Finding out so many fascinating facts about Nancy, who is an amazing singer and songwriter, was so much fun to learn when she was a guest on my show, "The Sibe Vibe" in 2014. Also starring in the video are Robert Forto's (my show's producer) Team Ineka huskies from Alaska. ...