It's "Take Your Dog To Work Day" ~and~ Flashback Friday!

Bandit loves to help me proof my writing. Today is Pet Sitters International (PSI) 17th Annual "Take Your Dog To Work Day (TYDTWDay ®)!" Are you and your dog ready? The FiveSibes are all here to take a break from their busy days as a "working class" breed to offer up some helpful tips to keep in mind when bringing your dog to the office for TYDTWDay or any day! Pre-Arrange Approval . Check with your boss that it’s okay to bring your dog to the office. Co-Worker Allergies? Check to see if any co-workers are allergic to dogs and if they are okay with your dog in the office for the day. Safety First. Prior to TYDTWD, be sure to puppy-proof your workspace. Be sure the area your dog will be in is free of anything poisonous, toxic, or unsafe. Spa Day Before Work Day: Be sure to give your dogs a nice bath and grooming before them bringing to the office. ...