#FlashbackFriday: Memories of Hu-Nanny, My Mom

#Flashback ~ Circa 1975 ~ My Mom & her heart dog "Brandy" in a photo I just found today! T oday's #Flashback is one of those that swells my heart and brings tears to my eyes. Nine years ago today, my beloved Mom earned her angel wings. Not a day goes by that she is not in my thoughts. Memories of oh-so-many chats over coffee (one of our favorite things to do, besides going for a car ride down to the river where Mom loved feeding the seagulls) and sharing stories with my daughter, who together made up our moniker of the "Three Musketeers!" Mom was an avid animal lover. Between her and my Dad, it's no wonder I love them, too! Mom always loved visiting my FiveSibes, and as their "Hu-Nanny," loved visiting with them. Even years later, when she couldn't come visit me anymore due to being housebound by her advanced arthritis and fibromyalgia, Mom loved it when I popped by with one of the Huskies to visit her, as you can see in some of the sna...