And The Survey Says...Participants Needed For A Veterinary Nutrition Canine Feeding Study!

We here at FiveSibes are sharing this open letter from Julie Nettifee, RVT, MS, VTS (Neurology) at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine (NCSU-CVM), announcing that their Nutrition Service is seeking participants for a Veterinary Nutrition Canine Feeding Study . Please read her letter and if you would care to particpate and fill out their survey, the link to the survey is below. From NCSU's Julie Nettifee, RVT, MS, VTS: Dear Pet Owner: NC State Veterinary Nutrition is committed to furthering our understanding of the influences impacting the purchasing of diets for our canine companions, and we hope that you can help us do so by completing a brief online survey for research purposes! With the increasing diet options for our canines, we hope you will take a few minutes to help us understand factors influencing dog owner’s decisions about what they feed their pet and why. We’ll ask you about what you feed your dog a...