Sibes Surfing in Stilettos?

Chloe, how's the book party over there in the UK ? Chloe is in England. Harley is wearing stilettos. Are you curious yet? Hope so! We have Sibes, we have stilettos, and we have some surfing, some partying, and a fabulous read... Still curious? Today, we are going to have some fun! We are off "surfing the 'Net in stilettos" as we join the book launch party for Carol E. Wyer - author of Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines , and the fabulously funny Facing 50 With Humour blog, who has just released her second book, Surfing in Stilettos and has invited everyone to come celebrate at her book release party! Now since Carol resides in the United Kingdom, she has made access to her book party super easy - it's an online celebration, and you can even chat with other folks from all over while you enjoy some virtual mingling and sipping of refreshments. And don't fret about the time difference, the party does on all day so no matter where you live, you c...