It's Back-to-School Time! Is Your Dog Ready?

Labor Day Weekend is here! While it's technically summer until September 22nd, Labor Day weekend unofficially marks the end of summer here and thoughts surround notebooks, laptops, backpacks, and school supplies as next week marks Back-to-School time here in our area! While kids and parents may or may not be ready to get back in the educational swing, the question is, are your pets ready for the change? Here's a helpful FiveSibes infographic with our top tips to help make this time of year less stressful for the entire family ( and some of these tips are applicable to other pets as well! We had a dwarf bunny who would get so excited, he'd get bunny "zoomies" whenever my da ughter came home from school ! ): Click on image to make larger. Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend and have fun celebrating what's left of summer. And for those already in school, and to those about ready to begin, here's to a happy, safe, and successful school year for al...