It's Earth Day! Are You Reducing Your Pet's Carbon Pawprint?

Happy Earth Day! It's a good day to think about all the ways we can help show that we love our Earth by taking good care of our environment and doing some "Acts of Green." We strive to keep ourselves and our pets healthy, and we need to also keep our planet healthy. Here's some tips an excerpt from my article published in the Volume 2/Issue 2 of American Pet Magazine to help everyone "think green" when it comes to our pets and their pet care, and help to reduce not only our carbon footprints, but their carbon pawprints as well: Walk your dog whenever possible instead of going by car. Use recycle shopping bags when going grocery shopping for your supplies and food. Feed your pet their food in a stainless steel dish. Make your pet's snacks whenever possible. Recycle pet food containers and cans instead of throwing them in with the trash. Recycle pet medication containers (check with your vet, pharmacy, and acup...