Sponsor a Husky for the Holidays!

Welcome back to our #WaitingWednesday Blog Hop, where we highlight rescues and feature some of their adoptable dogs and dogs waiting for a foster home! While we here at FiveSibes, focus on Siberian Huskies and northern breeds, the Blog Hop is open to ALL breeds and species, and stories of your own adopted pets and where you adopted them from, so I hope you will join in and highlight some rescues near and dear to your heart and hop along with us! This week, our feature is slightly different...instead of highlighting adotopables, we want to encourage folks who can't adopt yet to consider helping Huskies in shelters and rescues a different way...by sponsoring one! Check with your local or favorite rescue or shelter and see if there is a homeless Husky you can befriend over the holidays and bring it some treats, dog food, a new toy, or maybe the rescue/shelter staff can let you know if the dog needs shampoo, vitamins, heartworm medication, etc. You can also bring lots...