It's Solar Eclipse 2024 Day! Keep Us Posted!

Be sure to keep us in the loop! We'd love to hear how your pets - Epis or non - fared during today's solar eclipse. Whether they had no reaction, or any type of behavioral changes, such as a seizure, let us know! You can a) leave a comment here, b) Email us FiveSibes(at)gmail(dot)com (and replace the 'at' and 'dot' with symbols). I will be sharing this information with veterinary neurologists for research. May all Epi-dogs stay seizure free and snooze right through the event. If you have not yet read my article "Preparing Your Epi-Dog For the Solar Eclipse," please be sure to! Not only do I highlight some helpful "just in case" tips for dogs with seizures, but two national research groups - one back by NASA, want your help with documenting information on pet (any type of pet) behaviors before/during/after the eclipse. So be sure to give it a read and see if this is something you'd like to be part of. Click on image to read article. ...