A Snow Day for Snow Dogs!

February is off to quite a start! Monday was a very snowy day here! It started snowing last night and went on all through the day and into the evening. We currently have about a foot and another storm moving in again in a day or so. It was a great day if you were a snow dog! The FiveSibes had a blast today. While Harley is on leash lock down due to her arthritic legs, and Gibson is still in the lift harness from his fall a year ago due to hind end weakness from his Epi-meds, they, too, had time to enjoy sitting in the snow and enjoy the crisp snowflakes falling all around them. When first let out, our girl Bandit flew like the wind over and into the snow drifts, all before I could even turn on my recorder! By the time I did, she had backed her speed and excitement back a few notches, but she gave us a very silly show! Here's a little video slideshow of their fun in the snow: A side effect of snow plowing Siberian Husky style! And after all the fun i...