Santa Baby on A Dog's Merry Meme Monday

This photo has Christmas all over it! I just love it and Harley's expression! This photo was taken by Karla Zimmerman and "Congrats" to Carl D. Bromberg for his winning caption as voted on by FiveSibes readers on our FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews Facebook page for our #FiveSibes #MerryMeme howliday edition of the fun caption contest! Many thanks to all who submitted a caption and to all who voted! We had a wonderful response to holiday themed photos for our Merry Memes, and will be continuing to feature them and spread howliday cheer throughout January! There were so many great submissions! I hope they put a smile on your face as they did mine! Enjoy! Do you have a Photo That Would Make a Great Meme? ( It does need to somehow feature a northern breed dog, whether you have one, or have your dog pose with a real one, or even a stuffie! ) We Want Your Photo to Feature in our Fun FiveSibes Merry Me...