It's Our Third Blogiversary! Join in the Fun and Enter the Celebratory Giveaway!

"Wooo! Happy Blogiversary to us!" The FiveSibes and I have so much to be cheering about because today is our third Blogiversary ! It's an exciting time as we reflect back on the past three y ears of sharing our lives via blog posts, photographs, and vi deos with all our wonderful Blogger community! I feel very fortunate to be a member of this fabulous and caring pet community a nd so happy for the many friends we have made along the way. I look forward to blogging and sharing more tales of our FiveSibes with all of you, and I look forward to reading your stories, too. The Sibe kids are just so excited about today , they've donned some disco duds and hit the floor for some rollerskating and dancing fun . We hope you'll enjoy this video and get up and do some dancing of your own! Now , that's the way we like it! Thank you for following our blog and sharing in our lives . To celebrate your readership and friendship, we'r...