Flashback Friday #10: Run, Wolf, Run!

I can remember this Flas hback p hoto as if it was yesterday. We had just turned t he three six-month old Pupsters out to run free in the yard along with Har ley and Bandit, and Wolf took off with the wind at h is feet. The sheer joy in his face as his Siberian Husky ancestral trait of running kicked in was just amazing to see. ..and it still is! I r ead this p oem over on PoemHunter.com and th ought it fit pe r fectly! Hope you enjoy it as well. Lone Wolf Runs on Wilderness Tundra ~by Terence George Craddock I just am alive delighting in running in wilderness I am the lone wolf running wild on the tundra the song of the wind is freedom in my fur the song of the wing across the steeps the sky runs as my companion running water my talisman mountains my rest pillow freedom running my home freedom running life pulse * * * To catch up on past Flashback Fridays, visit us here: Flashback Friday #9: A Bandit Steals Our Heart...