Happy 5th Birthday to Our Pupsters: Bandit, Wolf, and Chloe!

"Wooo! Is it cake time??? Nommm-nommmms!" Wooo! Today is a very special day as we celebrate The Pupsters' Fifth Birthday! I just can't believe how fast time flies! Watching these three littermates grow up together has been such a wonderful experience! They are truly a joy, a lot of fun, and complete our FiveSibes pack family ! Yest erday, we posted a couple puppy pics of them from when they came home with us at just 14 weeks old! In some ways, it seems like that was just yes terday for us! We celebrated with vanilla ice cream from our local dairy poured into a bone-shaped cake pan, special plates and nap kins, and of course - pre sents! Party time for Chloe, Wolf & Bandit! "Um...Mom...where's our ice cream cake??!" "Oh, yeah, yummmm....!" "Nom-nom-nom...Happy Birthday to us!" The whole pack family joins in the celebration! "S econds, please?!" asks Bandit. Happy 5th Birthd...