A Call for Helping Two Huskies in Need

Can you help us? Can we come live with you? I recently received word from a colleague that there are two beautiful Siberian Huskies in need of a loving home. Their current Hu-Mom notes, "I am heartbroken to have to look for new homes for my two Siberian Huskies. They are truly a delight and I would keep them forever if it were in any way possible. I have tried to arrange to do so, but have failed. I just can't take them with me on my move (from Atlanta to Alabama) because of an impending, permanent housing situation within a non-dog lover's home...I am desperate to find them new, forever homes within the month. Can you help me in any way?" If we could all reach out to all our network of Husky contacts and Sibe-loving friends to see if they have room in their hearts and homes for these two beauties, I know it will help their Hu-Mom immensely. If you could please repost, link, reTweet, and share this with everyone you know, it would be greatly appreciated. H...