February Challenge ❤️ Love Your Pet (Every)Day!

My Fabulous FiveSibes in their favorite spot on our deck. Always (and Now Forever) Together FiveSibes is joining in Zoolatry's February Challenge! Says Zoolatry, "We tend to think of Valentine's Day, love and friendship when February arrives. We arbitrarily chose Wednesday ~ and are suggesting that on February 1 - 8 - 15 and 22 ~ we celebrate in our blog postings, through images and words ~ love, friendship, kindness, caring." I'm so in! These Five of mine, were so loved and fill my days with so much joy. They always were close together, and here they are in their fave spot on our deck and how I see them in mind's eye today. February is love, and they truly embodied what love is for me, and they gave so much love in return. This photos is in honor of yesterday's "National Love Your Pet Month," to share how we loved our pets, which really is every single day, isn't it? Hope you all have a fun, loving day! ❤️ ...