Flashback Friday: In the Summertime

Today, we are flashing back to the Summer of 2006, when our "originals," Harley and Gibson, were mere pups - when Gibson was just six months old and Harley just over a year. I remember this day so clearly. It was a hot one and while I was filling up their kiddie pool on my deck, Harley and Gibson patiently waited up on the deck bench! Harley and Gibson, always together, always side-by-side, and always in love! From the very first moment Gibson laid his crystal blue puppy eyes on Harley, she had his heart! How is it that this summer day, so vivid and clear, is now 11 years in the past? Summertime is a time to slow down, enjoy the long warm days, and remember to savor every moment and memory. In the Summer Time by Paul Laurence Dunbar "When summer time has come, and all The world is in the magic thrall Of perfumed airs that lull each sense To fits of drowsy indolence; When skies are deepest blue above, And flow’rs aflush,—then most I love To ...