A Friend Journeys to the Rainbow Bridge

When I see a rainbow, I think of all the beauty in life. Our furpal Suka felt the same way...he and his Hu-Mom K spoke of life's beauty many times in their blog. I know that so many of us here in Bloggerville have now heard the news about Suka leaving on his journey for the Rainbow Bridge. He had just been diagnosed with incurable heart disease and was given anywhere from a few weeks to a few years to love K, feel the snow on his nose, and dealing with those Kung Fu bunnies. It was with such shock and sadness to hear our dear beautiful Suka was desperately needed as a FurAngel, and was called for his next big adventure in the sky a lot sooner rather than later. We all have said before how we have become a close-knit community of pet parents here, and when one of us loses a beloved pal, we all feel it. We weep tears for friends we may never have met, but have surely come to know through their stories, photos, and Emails. Such is our friendship with Suka and K. I'...