A Call for Helping Two Huskies in Need

Ice is waiting for her new Hu-Mom. Blind "Skye" has a new Hu-Mom waiting for her! The FiveSibes are asking all blogger friends to help these two beautiful Huskies, who are in need of reaching their new forever homes, by reaching out to friends and followers to answer the universal call of animal assistance. There are two beautiful female Siberians – Skye (who is blind) and Ice - who are in desperate need of being rescued from being put to sleep due to extreme overcrowding in the facility they are currently housed in. The fantastic news is that forever homes have been offered to both of these beauties, but the new adoptive Hu-parents need a little help with transporting the gals from the shelter in California. According to the one adoptive Hu-Mom, Nena, “We need a person that could pull both dogs, possible hold, then deliver to Van Nuys, California airport. We are starting to look for cross-country transport and are hoping NOT to have to use a major ai...