Why A Purple Pumpkin for Howloween? Plus, A Gibson Howloween Coloring Page!
FiveSibes #Flashback Photo ~ Gibson & His Purple Pumpkin ~ 2014
W oo! Or, should I say Booooo! It's that time of the year when pumpkin hunting and carving is fun thing to do! And, while we are all busy carving and displaying our artworks on the gourds, did you remember to make a purple pumpkin?
"Woo! What's in my purple pumpkin? Treats?!"
A Purple pumpkin? What?!
If you've been a FiveSibes follower, you know how important the color of purple is to us, and why Purple Pumpkins are a staple here.If you are new to us here at FiveSibes, I initially joined in the Purple Pumpkin Project because we made our pumpkin purple for my Epi-dog Gibson. So, you might be asking yourself, Why was Gibson's pumpkin purple?
For Canine Epilepsy Awareness!
You can read more about it in our video further down in this post, or by visiting a previous explanatory post HERE.
Follow the Purple Pumpkin Project on Facebook!
In a pumpkin shell—as many of you already know, our Gibson was diagnosed with idiopathic Epilepsy shortly after his third birthday, and purple is the official color of Epilepsy awareness. The Purple Pumpkin Project, an initiative of the Epilepsy Foundation, was developed so that when you put a purple pumpkin out, whether it is one you painted, or one you bought (like Gib's in the photos above), it will encourage others, especially Trick-or-Treaters to ask, "Why is Gibson's pumpkin purple?" And...in the spirit of awareness, we would answer, "For Canine Epilepsy. Gibson has Epilepsy, but he never lets that stop him from having fun, especially on Howl-o-ween!"
What is the Purple Pumpkin Project?
Check out our video below!