New Magazine Article: Meet Some Amazing Sled Dogs With Canine Epilepsy

Check out my latest article on Canine Epilepsy in the newest edition of The Sled Dogger magazine! Starting on page 20, I have an 8-page spread about how seizures do not stop these amazing sled dogs from doing what they love best! My story features the beautiful sledding Epi-Huskies "Nukka" of Pennsylvania, "Meeko" of Ojibwa Kennels in Michigan, and "Jack" from Alberta, Canada.  You can meet these amazing Epi-Stars below! 

***Read it online free HERE.***

"Nukka" with kisses for hu-mom, Jenifer Maksim.



"Dogs with Canine Epilepsy can, and DO, live full, happy lives." 
 ~Dorothy Wills-Raftery, the FiveSibesMom

#LiveGibStrong K9 Epilepsy Awareness & Purple Day® Ambassador

"Don't think, just link!" 


  1. We had two dachshunds with epilepsy. A little daily pill helped them both live long healthy lives.

    1. Hi, Val! So glad to hear they lived healthy lives, too! My Gibson is on meds, too, and he's an amazing boy!

  2. What beautiful dogs. So great they can live such healthy active lives with epilepsy. It's great to share the message (a rescue I work with has a dog with epilepsy to foster and makes it that little bit harder- these sort of stories can ease concerns)

    1. They really are beautiful, and in spirit also! I hope my stories can show that Epi-dogs are wonderful and with a little extra care and lots of love, are so worth adopting and welcoming in our families!

  3. I know a number of people who had great results managing their epileptic dogs with TCVM.

  4. Great looking dogs! And it's such a service to these dogs that you let people know just because your dog comes down with epilepsy does not mean they won't find more joy in life. Thanks for the post =)


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