Puppy Harley Meets Hu-Nanny on a #FiveSibes #FlashbackFriday!

Today's Flashback Friday memory dates 12 years to 2005 when our alpha queen Harley joined our family at seven weeks old! She was a gorgeous blue-eyed beauty with a fierce mask that just stole our hearts! Harley was my daughter's dream dog - a Siberian Husky. Little did we know when we drove home from the city with our new family member, who slept the whole way home in a torrential rain storm, that she would grow up to rule the future family of FiveSibes! Harley would become the instant love of our second Husky, my beautiful fluffy wooly boy, Gibson; and the amazing surrogate momma to our Pupsters Wolf, Chloe, and Bandit. Today, at 12.5 years young - she still is the boss and every bit active as she can be. While she has a slight stiffness in her hind leg from arthritis that occassionaly betrays her youth, plus she is now deaf, she is as bright, and smart, and playful as ever! She is our amazing alpha queen, our Sibe family's first Husky, and the one responsible for my falling head-over-heels in love with the breed! 

In the above photo, puppy Harley is being held by my beautiful, amazing mother, Harley's "Hu-Nanny," who became an angel in November 2015. This week is a bittersweet one for me. It has always been a special week, it's the one that leads up to her birthday. Mom would have been 96 in two days, on July 9th. I always took my summer vacation for her "birthday week," and this being just the second one that she is not here with us for, my mom--a best friend to not only me, but also to my daughter--is heavily in my thoughts. Even though she is always in my heart, I sure do miss her and absolutely loved finding this photo of her and our Harley girl. Oh, how she loved animals - and our baby Harley! It seems only fitting that this week, our Flashback Friday features my dear Mom. Love ya, Momma.

"Memories are timeless treasures of the heart." ~Unknown

Join Us!!! Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashback Friday blog hop (we are open all week)! Just post your pic on your blog, grab our badge (yes, that's Gibson & little bro, pupster Wolfie!) & link to our blog, then join the blog hop below so others can come visit and see your flashback photos, too! A fun way to relive past fun times with our pets, present and past, and a great way to kick off a weekend! We hope you'll join us for some Friday fun! (To see past posts, put "Flashback Friday" in our Search bar at top of blog).

Grab Our Badge!


  1. Good Morning - Mom Kim here. Happy Flashback Friday. Oh what such a sweet memory that is. My mom died back in 1990 but I still have some hard times like on her birthday and also the day she died which was Father's Day that year. That was before any of my dogs.

  2. What a special Flashback Friday memory. I hope finding that adorable pic provides you with oodles of comfort as your mind thinks about a celebration alone without your mum. Our thoughts are with you as you travel down the FiveSibes Memory Lane.

  3. What a lovely memory of your Mom with beautiful baby Harley!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  4. Love the photo with your mom and baby Harley. I'm not sure what it means to have such a wonderful mother,but I'm glad you were so blessed.

    And Harley, she's as beautiful as ever.


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