Vote For My Photo of EpiDog FurAngel "Gibson" in Support of Veterinarians Without Borders!

Woo! Please ✔️VOTE for my beloved Epi-dog Gibson, representing dogs with Canine Epilepsy, in the Animals & Ales U.S. Photo Contest that supports Veterinarians Without Borders (VWB)! 

Each $1 donation equals 1 vote

You can donate (with your name or anonymously) and vote for Gibson until June 16th! Donations benefit VWB. And...if we win, Gibson's beautiful face will adorn a brewery's beverage label! Great PR for Canine Epilepsy Awareness! 

Why VOTE for Gibson?

As I wrote on my entry:

My "Gibson" was a beautiful wooly Siberian Husky and an amazing dog. Diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy shortly after his third birthday, he did not let that stop him from enjoying life. He loved belly rubs, running through the snow, and splashing in the pool with our four other Huskies. He was a gentle giant of a dog, who loved everyone he met (especially girls)! Gibson was the inspiration for many articles and several books I wrote on Canine Epilepsy, as well as the FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong K9 Epilepsy Online Resource Library. Even living with epilepsy, he never lost his joy and zest for life. He was truly an inspirational dog whose journey with epilepsy helped, and continues to help, other families with dogs who have seizures. It would be an honor to have his face grace the brewing company's label while helping to raise funds for Veterinarians Without Borders.

 Click HERE to Vote for Gib!

🐾💜🐾  Thank You! 🐾💜🐾 


About Veterinarians Without Borders (VWB)


One Planet, One Health

"Using a One Health approach, Veterinarians Without Borders Canada works for, and with, communities in need to foster the health of animals, people and the environments that sustain us.

We work in Africa and Asia to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged rural populations through veterinary and agricultural services, sustainable animal production, training, value chain development and sustainable natural resource management.

Additionally, we support remote Northern Canadian communities to improve animal health through temporary spay and neuter clinics, reduce the spread of rabies, and work to create the conditions for long-term, community-led sustainable animal health services."




  1. I am marking this link and will vote on the next payday, this Friday.

    1. I did go vote, but under anonymous as my blogging name and my name on my checking account are different. That's right, my first name really isn't "messy!"

  2. I couldn't get the link to work, said it was an error.

    1. Oh, Wow! Thanks for letting me is fixed now! :-)

  3. He’s such a handsome boy. He’s a great fundraising model. (Emilia)

  4. The perfect fundraising model! He will raise lots of money as he is totally gorgeous!!!

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  5. I'm from Canada and wasn't familiar with this organisation. Sounds like they do lots of great work in helping underserved communities. I know Gibson would look very handsome as a label model! Good luck!!

  6. WOW!!! What a terrific idea with this fundraiser! It could help two worthy causes at once. That doesn't happen too often. I wasn't familiar with Veterinarians Without Borders. What a great organization! I know have them on my radar. I hope Gibson and you win. I'll be anxious to hear about the results and see the official label with Gibson's handsome face. How exciting!

  7. I love this fundraiser and what a great way to honor Gibson. Good luck!!!

  8. Good luck Gibson!


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