Spring Fever on a FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

"It's spring fever.That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want--oh,  you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" 
~Mark Twain

Woo! Spring has sprung and with it an excitement that fills the air as we anticipate a season of rebirth and renewal! It's a refreshing time of year where we prepare to spend more time outdoors in our yards, barbequing, outdoor games, getting the pools ready, and running and playing on the green grass! In this Flashback Friday photo, my boy Gibson is feeling a bit of spring fever as he lopes across our muddy yard! This photo was taken three years ago, prior to his fall. I do so miss the days of his running carefree, but am thrilled he can walk again. So I look back fondly, but look ahead feeling blessed and hopeful. Here's to a wondrous spring for us all!

A spring scene from Getting Healthy With Harley!
 And what better time to get a copy of my second FiveSibes™ Tale Getting Healthy With Harley? Check out the FiveSibes in all their exercise gear getting healthy and fit just in time for the warmer weather! A portion of sales will benefit the Save Our Siberians Siberspace Rescue Fund, too! Order your copy today from our publishing site at ArcticHouse Publishing!
Harley says, "Let's get fit together!"

Flashback Fridays are brought to you by us - the FiveSibes - and our new co-hosts, Love is being owned by a Husky (who are currently hosting a giveaway, so check it out!), each Friday. We hope you'll find a photo or video from Memory Lane, post it, and link up to our blog hop each week! If you don't catch it on Friday, you can link up any time during the week!


  1. No sign of Spring here in Canada yet! Still lots of snow, and cold temps. PLUS they are calling for more snow!!! haha! Sheesh!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. It's going out like a lion here - first day of spring we welcomed in with snow! It doesn't want to leave! Happy Friday!

  2. What a great picture of your pup in motion! Happy Spring!


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