
Showing posts from 2021

As We Bid Farewell to the Year...

This Native American Wolf Prayer really struck a chord with me.  Not only because my boy was named Wolf a/k/a Wolfie (short for Wolfgang), but because his pawprints will always be right beside my footprints...along with four other sets from all of my FiveSibes. This photo I took of Wolfie when we were out in our yard one of a million times together truly captures something so very special, and now with his passing, means even more to me. For all of us who suffered through losing a beloved companion this year, may 2022 bring us peace. May all of our memories become visits for our broken hearts from our furangels, and one day may those special moments spent together be the memories that will once again fill our hearts with joy for having been blessed with them in our lives.  Be safe, and here is to a Happy and Healthy New Year. Our dogs would want nothing less for us. ~FiveSibesMom Back to Our Home Page & Online Resource Library    Wolfie, my beautiful buddy boy, t...

Winter Solstice: Wolfie Kisses From Heaven. My Boy is Home

  Since my Wolfie has sent signs of snow to me~my Wolfie kisses from Heaven~I had this beautiful snowflake ornament made for the tree as a tribute to him.   Front & Back of Wolfie's Snowflake Memorial Ornament  And below, a snowflake bracelet. On Saturday, two weeks to the day after Wolfie earned his silver harness, my boy is back home forever and now with. And in his true snowdog fashion, it began snowing as we drove back toward our home. ❄️ See the snow? Oh, how my heart welcomes this.    If you read my Goodbye Wolfie post , as he was leaving this earth, I whispered in his ear to send me snow as a sign he reached the other FiveSibes north of the Rainbow Bridge. And he did! He is once again sending me snowflakes; Wolfie kisses from Heaven…to let me know he is at peace with my other FiveSibes: Harley, Gibson, Chloe, and Bandit. How important these signs are, and to know my baby boy of FiveSibes heard me and granted me my final wish from him, so I lift m...

Gibson's 6th Rainbow Bridge Anniversary: My Boys Together Again

 My gorgeous wooly boys,  brothers Gibson and Wolfgang Today is Gibson's 6th Rainbow Bridge anniversary . He is now reunited with his whole FiveSibes pack family. Pictured here is one of my favorite photos I shot of my boys together. Oh, how Gibson loved snow! He would lay outside upside down with his "parts" the heavens just to feel the coolness of fresh falling snow. A true snow dog, I know he is loving running free and eating all the snow he desires...with his little brother Wolfgang right by his side. With Wolfie having just journeyed to north of the Rainbow Bridge on December 4th, I thought it was fitting to remember my beautiful wooly boys, now together forever, with the other three running right beside them. Named for Gibson, visit our #LiveGibStrong K9 Epilepsy Online Library & Resource Center for important info & links. Dear G: Ah, Gibson, my big fluffy heart dog, even with epilepsy, your lived life to the fullest! You LOVED life more than any dog I'...

Santa's New K9 Elf

  Woo! Mom...I'm going to the North Pole! This week's #FiveSibes #FlashbackFriday is a bittersweet one. And also a bit creative as I imagine what Wolfie was thinking. On what turned out to be Wolfie's last day here before he earned his furangel wings, my boy and I had taken a short stroll out front where I held him and we had a heart-to-heart talk and his eyes told me his time has arrived. Before that chat, we did stop by some of our holiday decorations for some photos. Wolf took an immediate liking to Santa (I mean, who wouldn't like that jolly elf who brings presents and treats?)  Hey, Santa! Welcome back.  What's that? You want me for your K9 Elf?!   What an honor for Santa to handpick his K9 elf! Now, a dog must be a furangel in order to be picked. And then all the magic begins... But first...   Phew. I'm sorry, Mom. I'm getting really tired. I think I need to rest before my big journey north. But I had fun. I always had fun with you and my kiddos. An...

Run Free My Sweet Wolf, I'll Love You Forever 💙 And Thank You For Sending The Snow Signs

 My #FiveSibes are now forever reunited. If you follow me on social media, you know by now that my last of my beloved FiveSibes, Wolfgang "Wolf" or "Wolfie" has earned his silver harness.  This is a very difficult post to write. Not only was Wolfie my baby boy of the FiveSibes, but he was the last of my pack. "We" are now an I, "me," and turning the page to this new chapter in life is simply put, heartbreaking. To step back and realize that 16 years has passed since welcoming "Harley," our first Siberian Husky and the OG "alpha queen" of our future FiveSibes pack, is quite mind-blowing. Sixteen years has passed in what seems like a blink of an eye. The eyes that captured my heart. Wolfie was a gorgeous boy. He stole my heart as a puppy with his bright blue eyes and crazy Mozart white fur! He wrapped his little paws around my neck and quite literally clung to me. I imagine he wanted out from that horrible backyard breeder that ...