
Showing posts from May, 2024

Huskies Telling Secrets on a #FlashbackFriday!

 FiveSibes #Flashback ~ 2010 ~ Chloe, Wolfie, Bandit & Harley   "I've got a secret! Now, do think you three can you keep it?!" I do so love this intimate moment my daughter caught on film that just seems like yesterday, but was taken 14 years ago!   What do you think our alpha queen "momma" Harley was telling pupsters Chloe, Wolfie, and Bandit? What kind of "motherly" advice was she giving them, or were they sharing secrets of the snow dog kind? It certainly looks like they were in a deep dog discussion. What do you think? ♥︎ Memories are Visits for the Heart ♥︎       Join Us! The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Please include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along down Memory Lane with us and visit the other blogs. Don't forget to leave a nice comment!   Grab Our Badge! (You can take a screenshot)         Back to our...

Pet Blogger Parents: What Are Your Thoughts on "TIME?"

  D ear Fellow Pet Blogger Caregivers... I'm working on a blog article about what many of us long-timers must feel/go through from starting out with our beloved dogs, to now, in some cases years or decades after they are with us...loss is something we all eventually go through. ***There is a deadline for this. Please see bottom of post. Please Email me (address at end of post) with the following:   1) Generally speaking, What does "time" mean to you?    2) What does it mean to you as a Dog Parent/Caregiver?    3) How does looking back a) help you, b) hinder you? c) make you feel?    4) How does the passing of a beloved pet change/affect your blog, website, social media? Please give your site name/URL.   5) And lastly, but not least...What words of wisdom can you share about this journey with someone just starting out?    If you would like to answer and be quoted, please Email me at FiveSibes(at)gmail(dot)com (and replace the words...

Memorial Day: May We Never Forget

  "Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul."    ~Michel de Montaigne   "As you enjoy your weekend with friends and family, we hope that you will take a moment to recognize and reflect on those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Speak their names and tell their stories with us," states Warrior Canine Connection . Warrior Canine Connection's mission "is a pioneering organization that utilizes a Mission Based Trauma Recovery (MBTR) model to help recovering Warriors reconnect with life, their families, their communities, and each other." Below are some of the beautiful pups named after soldiers who sacrificed their all for our freedoms... We Will Always Remember. Photo Credit: Animal Planet publicity photo of a soldier and military working dog.      Back to our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit Our Other Pages, including Our #LiveGibStrong On-Line K-9 Epilepsy Resource Page,  About the Sib...

Memorial Day Weekend Meant Pool Time for the Huskies!

   FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Wolfie and Bandit ~ 2015   Memorial Day Weekend is here and that always signaled the unofficial start to summer and the hot weather here...and it also meant the time when I purchased new kiddie pools for my FiveSibes and set them up out on our covered deck for them to frolic in and splash around to keep cool on those hot days when they needed exercise. Oh, what fun those first days of bringing out the pools, dragging the hose up on the deck, and the excitement in the Huskies as I the sound of the water hit the plastic pools! It wasn't a complete event unless they were sprayed with the hose mist and instantly ran into zoomies—in and out of the pool!💦  I have so many fun wonderful summer pool pics of them. Today, it's Pupsters Wolfie and Bandit in the pool. I had just bought them all a new ball to play pool Fetch with, and they were ready! I can close my eyes and smile as I still hear the splashing, the throaty sounds of their joy, and the th...