
Showing posts from February, 2022

Caring for Dogs in Their Golden Years

    It seems as if suddenly the spray of gray whiskers appear on your dog’s muzzle, and his/her hearing is not as sharp. Your dog’s vision clouds as they start to slow down in their daily play and walks.  As hard as it is to accept, your beloved dog is now a senior!  As a dog ages, there are some changes to their care that will  help them enjoy their  golden years filled with love .  It is important to remember that  aging is not a one-size-fits-all-dogs thing . While one dog at six may start getting fussy over food, another at eight may be stiff and slowing down, while a dog at 12 may still enjoy physical activity.   Hindy Pearson , a certified dog trainer, dog behavior consultant, and pet loss grief support coach who is the founder behind , stresses to  “Pay attention to any changes in behavior or anything physical that you notice, no matter how small, because it seems like a lot of people tend to a...

It's Our #FiveSibes 12th Blogiversary! Thank You, Dear Readers!

It is so incredible to think today marks my #FiveSibes twelfth year of sharing the life of my five Siberian Huskies, a/k/a the FiveSibes: Harley, Gibson, Wolfgang, Chloe, and Bandit; as well as news on the Siberian Husky breed; information on Canine Epilepsy after my boy Gibson was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy; and sharing my articles on all things canine! My very first FiveSibes blog post was on this date in 2010 and it was a short piece about February's Pet Dental Health month featuring my alpha queen Harley and her pearly whites!     The original FiveSibes blog portrait!      Award-Winning Blog   I'm also so very proud of my blog's recognitions over the years, including multiple "Excellence" Maxwell Medallions from the prestigious Dog Writers of America Association, Feedspot's "Best Husky Blog on the Planet," consistently named "Top Siberian Husky Website," Named "Best 1AwardUK's "Best on the Web," Blog Top Si...

Woo! It's #TWOsday ~ 2-22-22!!!

  In honor of my last two #FiveSibes ~ littermates and furangel Pupsters "Bandit" and "Wolfie", we are recognizing today's rare TWOsday Tuesday ~ 2-22-22!    Are you and your pups doing anything to mark this momentous numerical date?!      Back to our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit Our Other Pages, including Our #LiveGibStrong On-Line K-9 Epilepsy Resource Page,  About the Siberian Husky Breed, Rescues, Lost & Found, Other K9 Articles by FiveSibesMom, ArcticHouse Gifts & Books Shoppe, and more! Just click on "More" Pages at top of blog.

Seven Ways to Say "I L-O-V-E You" to Your Dog!

 Updated February 11, 2025 Wolfie with his hu-cousin, Eric! W elcome to the month of love! Ah, yes, love. Poets and authors write about it. Singers croon about it. Artists create visions of it. With the arrival of February comes Valentine's Day (14th), Epilepsy Day (2nd Monday of February, and we love our Epi-dogs!) , and it's also a time to celebrate that love with international Love Your Pet Day on February 20! (Of course EVERY DAY is Love Your Pet Day, but it's always nice to have a day to celebrate with pet hugs and treats)! While we can certainly count the many ways our beloved dogs love us and we love them, here’s a few ways of showering our canine best friends with some of that wonderful l-o-v-e! Love Is Simple Nothing says, “ I love you,” more than hugs, kisses, and some belly rubs! Dogs are pretty easy to please. They don’t need anything fancy to let them know how much they are loved, just your time and attention (although treats and toys are willingly ...

Show Us Your Pearly Whites! February is Pet Dental Health Month

*Updated: February 2025 February is National Pet Dental Health Month and also the month known for love! One way to show your pets love is to be cognizant of their healthcare, and that includes their teeth. Did you know that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease by the age of three? Based on statistics from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) , it's true! There are many things we can do as pet caregivers to ensure that our dog’s teeth and gums are in good health, starting with at-home care: Conduct Frequent Brushing (with a toothbrush or finger brush and dog toothpaste, dental wipes, dental spray, etc.) Check Teeth, Gums, and Mouth (for growths, broken teeth, discoloration, decay, bleeding gums, swelling, soreness, bad breath) Watch for Refusal to Eat (due to dental or mouth pain) Provide Chew Toys Give Occasional Dental Chew Give Healthy Crunchy Treats Veterinarian-Approved Diet for Dental Health Have Periodic Veterinarian De...