
Showing posts from 2022

Auld Lang Syne My Dear Huskies

  #FiveSibes Flashback ~ New Year's 2015 ~ Gibson     "For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, we'll take a cup of kindness yet,   for auld lang syne." ~Robert Burns (English version)    Auld Lang Syne is so appropriate for this post. Translated to "Long Long Ago," this week's Flashback is dating back to what will be the 8th New Year since my this photo was taken to when me and my FiveSibes were welcoming in the New Year of 2015, with my beloved boy Gibson patiently posing for me in his New Year headpiece, and then getting all five to pose for a family pack photo! Holidays were always so much fun with my FiveSibes.    PS: yellow dot on right side of couch of is one of the dogs' tennis ball! BOL! Prior to the photo, it was major play time in my living room!     Wishing all of our FiveSibes readers  a Happy, Healthy & Kind 2023. 💛 Memories are visits for the heart 💛       Blog & Photos   ...

A Happy Holidate ~ A Short Fiction Romance

  A Happy Holidate A Short Fiction Romance  Written by  Dorothy Wills-Raftery         ❄️ S now flurries danced onto the windshield of Sarah’s SUV as she drove through town. “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” she sang with the crooner on the radio, while from the back seat her white Siberian Husky howled along. Having just finished her shift at work, Sarah decided to grab a coffee and do a little holiday shopping at the local dog-friendly bookstore café. Once parked, she opened the rear door and unbuckled her dog from its safety harness. She was about to clip on the leash when her foot slipped on the snowy curb and, with arms and leash flailing, she began to fall. Her husky seized that moment to bolt out of the vehicle. “Winter!” Sarah cried. She was mid-fall when a strong arm wrapped around her waist. Glancing up, Sarah’s breath caught in her throat at the mesmerizing sky-blue eyes gazing down at her. “Are you okay?” asked her ...

A Sibe's Christmas Curiosity

Christmas #FiveSibes Flashback ~ Harley ~ December 2017    Oh, what fun my beloved FiveSibes and I all had at Christmastime over the years will always remain in this FiveSibesMom's heart. Here, just five Christmases ago, our beautiful alpha queen, Harley, gave the once-over to my new lighted Husky decoration!   "May the magic of Christmas  warm your heart."   ~Author Unknown     💛 Memories are visits for the heart 💛 Blog & Photos     You're a Blog Hop!       Come join us each week and share your fave  Memory Lane pics from yesteryear or yesterday!  Simply grab our badge, be sure to link to us, join the linky list  below so others can come and visit your blog,  and have some fun joining in our weekly Flashback Friday Blog Hop!  Link open all week!             Visit our FiveSibes Facebook Page!     Back to our Home Page and Our Othe...

Shine On In Your Silver Harnesses on This Longest Night

These beautiful personalized candles are lit for my beloved FiveSibes: Harley, Gibson, Wolf, Bandit, and Chloe on this Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year—the official beginning of Winter, a Siberian Husky's favorite season! The story is told that when our beloved Siberian Huskies and sled dogs journey to north of the Rainbow Bridge, upon their welcome, they receive a beautiful Silver Harness. This special harness frees them of their earthly pain, and allows them to run across those forever snowy fields healthy and free and happy again, with the Northern lights dancing above them.    I have a special bond with my own five that has a direct link to snow and rainbows and me, a quick unexpected snow squall means they are near, having some amazing snow zoomies up in the heavens, stopping abruptly to send down a heavy squall to say hello, and just sometimes, they will shine a rainbow in my direction or a zoom by in a fleeting shape in the cl...