MARK YOUR CALENDARS! March 26 is Our 10th Annual #LiveGibStrong Purple Day® for K9 Epilepsy Blog Hop & Media Share

I t's that time of year when we turn everything P-U-R-P-L-E! As a Purple Day® for (K9) Epilepsy Ambassador since 2012, in honor of my Gibson (an Epi-dog; dog with epilepsy), in 2015 I began hosting a annual Purple Day® for Epilepsy Blog Hop & Social Media Share -10 years ago! Little did I know in March, that nine months later, my Gibson would earn his furangel wings. In hindsight, he eventually had kicked the seizure monster to the curb, living the last seven years of his life seizure free. He passed shortly before his tenth birthday, and not from epilepsy. The purpose of the annual blog hop (and eventually media share was added) was to reach others through blogs and a variety of social media platforms to let them know that with some with some special care and treatment (traditional, holistic, environmental, and/or dietary), along with lots of love, Epi-dogs like Gibson can—and DO —live happy lives, just like other dogs who do not have epil...