#Epidogs Be On Alert: Possible Seizure Triggers Due to Upcoming Space Events
Coming up, are several space events to be aware of and prepare for, because preparation is key when you share your life with a dog that has seizures.
First up, according to News 9, "A rare seven-planet alignment (aka "planetary parade") will light up the sky on February 28, 2025, featuring Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune! This won't happen again until 2040. While they won’t form a perfect line, they’ll align along the ecliptic, the Sun’s path in the sky. Best viewed about 45 minutes after sunset, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus will be visible to the naked eye."
According to Dogileptic.com, "During a solar storm, the Earth's magnetic field can become distorted, potentially affecting the brain's electrical activity and lowering the seizure threshold in dogs with epilepsy. Melatonin's role in seizure activity and epilepsy has been a focus of ongoing research. Dogs with epilepsy often have lower baseline levels of melatonin. The disruption in melatonin production during solar storms could contribute to triggering seizures."
a solar storm, the Earth's magnetic field can become distorted,
potentially affecting the brain's electrical activity and lowering the
seizure threshold in dogs with epilepsy."~Dogileptic.com
Mark your calendars, and keep an eye on your Epi-dog leading up to, and during, the following space events:
In addition to the 7-planet alignment on February 28 (which is said to possibly begin on the 20th), according to the Secrets of the Universe, the following are predicted to occur:
"March 14: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon). This total lunar eclipse
will be visible from the Americas, Antarctica, Alaska, and parts of
March 23: Saturn’s Ring Plane Crossing
Saturn's rings will disappear from view for a short time as we observe them edge-on from Earth!
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse
The Moon will cover up to 93% of the Sun at its peak! This eclipse will last nearly four hours, starting at 4:51 AM EDT, and
will be visible from parts of the Americas, Europe, and Africa.
April 22: Lyrid Meteor Shower
A dazzling meteor shower producing 10-15 meteors per hour! Since the radiant rises before midnight, try spotting meteors before the fat crescent Moon rises after midnight.
April 25: Triple Conjunction – A Smiley Face in the Sky
The waning crescent Moon will align with Venus and Saturn, forming an enchanting "smiley face" in the sky!"
With so much going on in the skies above us, as I've always said, while these type of phenomena may not affect all Epi-dogs (dogs with epilepsy), it *could* trigger seizure activity in some
According to Dogileptic.com, "During a solar storm, the Earth's magnetic field can become distorted, potentially affecting the brain's electrical activity and lowering the seizure threshold in dogs with epilepsy."
Does this mean your Epi-dog will definitely have a seizure during any of these upcoming events?
But...s/he could, so it's always best to be ready.
As I've written in my previous article, "Can the Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Trigger a Seizure in Dogs With Epilepsy?" - basically, it's best to be prepared *for possible seizure activity* by having your safety precautions and First Aid in place.
Prior to any of these events, have a chat with your veterinarian, and do a little pre-planning, as you would for any out-of-the-ordinary situation or event that could have an adverse effect on your Epi-dog. While it is our hope that the planetary alignments, eclipses, meteor showers, etc., will not trigger seizure activity in your dog, some helpful hints in preparing include:
1. Keeping your Epi-dogs safely inside during an eclipse, meteor shower, or any space event or storm so you can keep an eye on them.
2. Having your Epi First Aid Kit ready and waiting.
3. Know where to put ice/cool packs before, during, post seizures. It's imperative to keep an Epi-dog cool before, during, and especially after a seizure. Overheating/heat can be a trigger for some dogs as well. Be sure to check out my "Cooling Down an Epi-Dog: Where Do I Put the Cold Packs?" info poster I collaborated on with Dr. Arnold Rugg, founder of Kingston Animal Hospital.
4. If your Epi-dog is on anti-seizure medications, be sure s/he has been properly dosed on time and have any emergency doses at the ready.
5. If you use hemp chews/oil, natural anti-anxiety supplements and/or treats, be sure to administer them early enough, as according to the directions and vet instruction.
6. If you use an anti-anxiety vest or shirt on your Epi-dog, this is a good time to put one on, just as a precaution.
7. Play soothing music or white noise in the background.
8. Plug-in a calming pheromone diffuser or spray.
9. Diffuse a calming essential oil*, such as lavender (but NOT spike lavender oil). Also, when diffusing, choose either #7 or #8, but not both at same time.
10. Put a cooler or herbal calming collar on your Epi-dog.
11. If you use a cooler mat or bed for your Epi-dog, have it refreshed and encourage your dog to lie on it.
12. Talk to your vet about adding supplements such as melatonin, Omega-3s, and MCT oil (I gave Gibson virgin gold coconut oil and Omega-3 oil).
13. Stay close to your dog, petting and talking to him/her in a reassuring manner until after the event is over.
14. Have an emergency plan. Be sure your vet/ER hospital numbers are handy, as well as having a means of transportation, should your dog should go into seizures.
*A word about essential oils – again, it is important to check with your veterinarian before using, especially if trying for the first time. Some essential oils, such as spike lavender, eucalyptus, hyssop, rosemary, sage, camphor, tea tree, et al., CAN trigger seizures.
Once again, I want to reiterate that Canine Epilepsy is NOT a one-size-fits-all-disease. So not ever Epi-dog will react to the same triggers. Some may be very sensitive to these type of phenomena and have serious seizures, while others may be unfazed.
Best advice: Be Calm, and Be Prepared.
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