What Do I Do About My Epi-Dog's Medications With the Fall Time Change?

N ovember marks Epilepsy Awareness Month (#NEAM) and it also marks the end to Daylight Saving Time, a time for clocks to "fall back" in many areas the first Sunday in November at 2 AM EST. Again, I am asked this question a lot, and do see often asked in dog epilepsy groups, is, "What do I do about my dog's medication when the clocks go back?" If your Epi-dog (dog with Epilepsy) is on specifically timed medications, same as in the spring, you will want to adjust his schedule a few days ahead of time, or at least for the first day of the new time change, stagger the dosage times. My FiveSibes Epi-tip is again actually a simple formula for helping adjust your Epi-dog's medication doses to keep it as close to "normal" as possible. FOR EXAMPLE: If your pet typically gets his medications at 7 AM and 7 PM, for the first day of end of DST, give the AM dosage at the new fall-back time of 6:30 (true time would be 7:30, a half h...