DIY Purple Pumpkin From Our Epi-Pal, Ru!


W ith Howloween being the eve of November's Epilepsy Awareness Month (#NEAM), you'll be seeing a of posts from us about The Purple Pumpkin Project (read my previous post HERE explaining that and/or check out our FiveSibes Purple Day video below)! And, of course, I'll be posting about Canine Epilepsy throughout the month!

Note: This post may contain an Amazon affiliate link, which simply means that if you click on it and make a qualifying purchase, I may receive a small commission *at no cost to you.* Thank you!

Today, as we prepare for Halloween, our dear furangel and furpal, Ruby, the Therapy Dog, who was also an Epi-dog like Gibson, has a fun, super-easy DIY project to make cool purple pumpkins with your kids and then put on proud display!

Ruby, an Epi-Dog and an honorary member of the Epilepsy Foundation's Kids Crew, with a finished purple pumpkin. How cute!
Photo Courtesy of Jan/Ruby, the Therapy dog

If you don't know Ruby, she was a registered Therapy Dog who also lived with epilepsy, and was an honorary member of the Epilepsy Foundation's Kids Crew! What an honor for a canine! Even though Ru has now earned her furangel wings, Jan still continues on her legacy over on Ruby, the Therapy Dog's Facebook page.
Having epilepsy never stopped Ruby from being #RuBeStrong: an amazing ambassadog for awareness, and when she was working, she loved being with children, and one year had fun when the kids painted some purple pumpkins.
"We spray painted a bunch of our purple pumpkins for kids in their epilepsy support group, and they got to decorate them," states Jan. "We also did it for a celebration for our volunteers one October. Everybody used their own inspiration."

 Look at all of Ru's kids awesome purple pumpkins!
Photo Courtesy of Jan/Ruby, the Therapy Dog on Facebook

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Supplies Needed:
*Plain Pumpkin Shapes
*Can of Purple Spray Paint
*Book of Face Stickers
According to Ruby's hu-mom, Jan, one year they purchased some plain pumpkins from (she says they are available at Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby. Note, these are only helpful suggestions. We are not affiliates for either store). You can also purchase these types from Amazon by clicking on the image):

 These come in 5" and 3" sizes. Click image to purchase.

Click on image to purchase.
STEP ONE: Find a spot outdoors to spray paint. Line a table or the grass with a cover to protect the table or lawn from paint. (Also a good tip, have your dog and child wear an old t-shirt so they don't get paint on them either!) Lay out the pumpkin shapes.
Notes Jane, "Any pumpkin will do. I like the flat ones for easy storage. Then I just got a can of purple spray paint and colored them."
STEP TWO: Let Dry.
STEP THREE: Have fun decorating! Suggests Jan, "Any book of face stickers will do, then let the kiddos have fun decorating their own" all the while learning about what Purple Pumpkins mean."
Sample face stickers: 
 Click on image to order from Amazon

STEP FOUR: Tie or glue a piece of string on the pumpkin, or glue a magnet on the back, so you can display your pumpkins! 
"Easy Peasy!" notes Jan.

Ruby had fun making a purple pumpkin with her hu-mom and the kids!
Photo Courtesy of Jan/Ruby, the Therapy Dog on Facebook

Jan says about the project and working with the children, "I learned a lot from them. One boy was asked how he knew a seizure was coming. 'My leg starts twitching,' he replied. Ru would also have her leg twitch before a seizure. And, when we found very little steroids helped her, some parents confirmed that (the clinic) sometimes prescribed steroids for the kiddos as well."

There is so much we can learn through the "One Health" connected approach to healthcare for both humans and dogs. The hope is one day, that when they find a cure for one, they find it for all.

Many Thanks to Ru and Jan for sharing their fun DIY project with us! We hope you all have a Happy and Safe Howloween! And when someone asks you "Why is your pumpkin purple?" You can tell them all about dogs like Ruby and Gibson who didn't let having epilepsy stop them from living life to the fullest!
What is Purple Day All About? 
For More Canine Epilepsy Info: 
(Click on image to go to FREE resource library):






  1. Love the pumpkins, the purple is beautiful.

  2. Ruby is a cutie pie. Love the pumpkins.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥


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