
Showing posts from June, 2024

#FlashbackFriday: Remembering Sweet Chloe on Her Rainbow Bridge Anniversary Week

FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Baby "Chloe" ~ 2008 W here does the time go? After we lose a beloved pet, we are immersed into a surreal reality...where at first each day feels like a year...and then one day, that year becomes five...FIVE years ago this week on the 22nd, our pack sweetheart, and my daughter's dog, Chloe, earned her furangel wings quite suddenly, and shockingly after she went into sudden severe liver failure. How can it be five years? In some ways, it feels like yesterday, while at the same time, it's been a while since hearing her woos. So today's flashback is in honor of our sweet "Coco" and a look back over the wonderful years we've had her. This girl was not only a sweetheart, super trained, loved her littermates Bandit and Wolfie, and being member of the FiveSibes family with Harley and Gibson, and she was so devoted to my daughter, and the talker of our pack!   Chloe and her siblings brother "Wolfie" and sister "Bandit...

Lights! Camera! Action! Celebrating National Pets in Film Day With Our #FiveSibes Stars!

    A still from the Nancy Simmonds/Musik Tails Video "Rev Me Up" a/k/a "Husky Song" National Pets in Film Day was celebrated on June 19th, and it's a perfect time for a #FlashbackFriday post about when I was so thrilled when "The Dog Singer" a/k/a Nancy Simmonds, asked my FiveSibes to be in her upcoming music video! Of course I said yes, or in Husky-speak, Wooo!  When Nancy released "The Husky Dog Song," also known as "Rev Me Up" in 2015, she created a music video to accompany it that starred my FiveSibes: Harley, Gibson, Wolf, Chloe, and Bandit via my photographs of them! That was pretty exciting, and still is every time I play the video!  Finding out so many fascinating facts about Nancy, who is an amazing singer and songwriter, was so much fun to learn when she was a guest on my show, "The Sibe Vibe" in 2014. Also starring in the video are Robert Forto's (my show's producer) Team Ineka huskies from Alaska. ...

Celebrating Dads on Father's Day!

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay   Woo! W ishing all the wonderful, caring dads out there - birth dads, stepdads, adopter dads, foster dads, surrogate dads, and pet dads all a wonderful day!  What will you be doing with your beloved furry pals today? I will always love this of our FiveSibes Hu-Dad and my beloved boy "Gibson."  Memories truly are visits for the heart. Enjoy your day, Dads!  This post is dedicated to my amazing Dad, who truly was a steward of all animals, including these two pups who wandered by his Army barracks. 💙     Back to our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit Our Other Pages, including Our #LiveGibStrong On-Line K-9 Epilepsy Resource Page,  About the Siberian Husky Breed, Rescues, Lost & Found, Other K9 Articles by FiveSibesMom, ArcticHouse Gifts & Books Shoppe, and more! Just click on "More" Pages at top of blog.   FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:  FIVESIBES: SIBERIAN HUSKY K9 NEWS & REVIEWS     FOLLOW US ON...

#FlashbackFriday: Where's Bandit?

  FiveSibes #Flashback ~ 2015 ~ Our pupster girl, Bandit   Oh, Bandit...she was a silly girl indeed. If you've followed my blog for a while, you'll know how she used to love to hide—under dog beds, in the Autumn leaf pile, under snow, and behind our garden growths, as pictured here. I imagine this is how she'd answer my calls to her! (Of course, she could have been thinking "If you don't have a treat, I'm not coming to you!")   What do you think Bandit was thinking?      ♥︎ Memories are Visits for the Heart ♥︎       Join Us! The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog Hop and share pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Please include our badge and *link back to us*, and  be sure to hop along down Memory Lane with us and visit the other blogs. Don't forget to leave a nice comment! Grab Our Badge! (You can take a screenshot)         Back to our Home Page and Don't Forget to Visit Our Other Pag...