The Look: Memories of Huskies and Gingerbread Houses

#FlashbackFriday ~ FiveSibes "Chloe" ~ Christmas 2015 "THE LOOK" T his year, I was making gingerbread houses with my two grandkiddos and it always brings joy...and some frustration when the house decides to collapse! But then we rebuilt it, and ate some of it along the way! It brought back memories of when we built a gingerbread house with the FiveSibes...oh, they sure were interested when they caught whiffs of all the yumminess...only, it was for the humans in the family, not them. (At least not this version). This is *the* look I received from Chloe when I advised her of this, and while I'm chuckling, she meant business when she realized she and the other Sibes were not getting any! (No worries, though, they did get some special homemade treats just for them). "Enjoy the moments while you are in present...for they become memories far too soon, but memories that will always bring back smiles for those moments of joy were well spent with ...