
Showing posts from September, 2017

Drink Up! It's National Coffee Day!

Us humans sure do love our cofffee here at the FiveSibes homestead! And what's better than a delicious cup of coffee? Coffee with our Siberian Huskies, of course!  Since today is also our Flashback Friday, here's my sweet furangel Gibson celebrating Coffee Day with me from several years ago. I always love taking my morning coffee with my Huskies! Like our mugs in the above photos? The Sibe Vibe ones will be coming soon to our website, and you can buy the embossed Husky mug below. I purchased this mug and it is a fave of mine! Plus, it holds a big 18 oz of java (or tea, soup, ice cream, etc)! Woo! (Note: I am an affiliate of Amazon, so if you purchase the mug by clicking on the link below, I will get a tiny commission, *at no cost to you*, so thank you!)       Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashb...

Let Them Eat (Birthday) Cake!

Woo! Harley, Wolf, Bandit, and Chloe (and furangel Gibson in spirit) here, and we are taking over Hu-Mom's blog today because it's her birthday!!! Woo! The day was pretty cool, well, not as cool as snow, but pretty close! It was Hu-Mom's first birthday as a grandmother, and in our family, the maternal Moms graduate to "Nanny" once the babies are born! So, it was pretty fun with our little hu-brother, Cody, here now!  Cody gave Hu-Mom a cute little stuffed Husky (Hu-Mom really liked that, but so do we, and so does our hu-brother, Cody! Guess there will be some sharing of that Husky stuffie!)  Oh, and there was ice cream cake! Woo! And we all got to share in having some of the vanilla part! Nom-nom-nommmmm! Hu-Mom was pretty excited, too, because it was here very first "Nanny" birthday cake! We are so thankful for so many things: our new little hu-brother, our hu-mom, our pack family, and, oh, woo, the ice cream cake, for sure! Here's some...

Autumn Teaser

The Autumn Equinox teased us into the excitement of cooler temps and crisp days, however, summer does not seem to want to let go of those long hazy, lazy days. She is clinging on, with another day going in the 90s coming tomorrow! I'm with Bandit...hanging out in the air conditioned house with her and the other FiveSibes until Mother Nature realizes it is Autumn's turn to shine! “To say it was a beautiful day would not begin to explain it. It was that day when the end of summer intersects perfectly with the start of fall.” – Ann Patchett Back to Home Page

Fall in Love With Autumn on Flashback Friday!

Today is the Autumn Equinox, marking the official first day of Fall here in the northern hemisphere of the United States! I have to say, it's my very favorite time of year! The stunning colors and crisp air does much for the mind, spirit, and soul! The cooler temps sure do please the Huskies, too, of course! I mean, northern breed by nature, they love it when the thermometer drops! My FiveSibes have that extra bit of energy and spend less time lounging and more time playing! Today, I'm flashing back a few years to this fun pic of my sweet angel boy, Gibson, who was having a blast rolling in the falling leaves. Always the silly boy, the comedian of the bunch, he always manged to brings smiles to everyone's face - and in this trip down Memory Lane, he once again reminds me of his zest for life and silly Siberian Husky nature! "No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, As I have seen in one autumnal face." ~John Donne ...

Flashback Friday: An "A" for Bee

It's official! The kiddos are all settled back in school for another year. It's class time not only for the hu-kids, but for the pups as well! Today we are flashing back to 2014 when our Pupster girl, Bandit, all decked out in her new backpack and bandana, was all ready for school! I had enrolled her in some one-on-one classes for what I originally thought was a hearing problem, but am pretty convinced now it was more of an attention issue. After getting a few tips, with a little extra TLC and treats, she has been back on track ever since! (Unless, of course, a squirrel, opossum, woodchuck, or bird visits our yard)! But I think our Bee gets an "A" for her spiffy Back-to-K9-School outfit! And what did Bee learn in class? That...   S - Siberian Huskies C - Can H - Have O - Oodles O – Of L – Learning fun! Have your pups been enrolled in school?  If so, what was their favorite part of class?  You're Invited!   ...

Can Solar Flares, Lunar Phases & Weather Trigger Seizures in Dogs With Epilepsy? Comparative Studies in K9 & Human Epilepsy: Triggers, Trials & Tribulations.

  Read "News" Below For Podcasts, Webinars, Open Clinical Trials & Grant News   *Article updated 1-01-2025   A solar eclipse. A full moon. A lunar eclipse. Severe storms. Devastating hurricanes. Geomagnetic or Solar Storms. And on those times where there are both a super full moon and a lunar eclipse. All of these activities can have an affect on dogs who experience seizures .   Lunar Eclipse & Full Moons   While the effects of such lunar activity seems to be debatable, people who have Epi-dogs that have been triggered know different. According to Meaghan Callahan, DVM, MS, CVA (Veterinarian and Acupuncturist at Pebble Creek Animal Hospital in Tampa, Florida) in an article in, " There is, in fact, anecdotal evidence revealing changes in animal behavioral dating back over 700 years. There is so much we, as scientists, do not yet understand about the interactions of the solar system and it’s effects on the animal ...