Happy Howl-o-ween! K9 & Feline Pumpkin Stencils & #FiveSibes Safety Tips!

BooooWooooooo! It's that spooktacular time of year ~ Howl-o-ween. Today's #FlashbackFriday is a nod to our #FiveSibes Halloweens of the past circa 2011 - 2013, including two pumpkins I used stencils to carve out a Husky on. I think they came out pretty good! Above is our alpha queen "Harley" and next to her in the middle of my family's carved jack o'lanterns, is my running Husky pumpkin. And below with Chloe is my Siberian Husky head. Now, I am not the most creative pumpkin carver, but I sure did have fun. I cannot believe these were 10 years ago now. If you like carving pet images into pumpkins, the Stencil info is below, and the stencil I used for the running Husky is PumpkinGraphic8. I'm also including stencils for our furfriends in of other breeds and our cat pals, too! So be sure to scroll down for links to the pumpkin carving stencils! I have to send a "thank woo" to Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue ( who have now closed) fo...