
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happiness is a Husky Christmas Slumber Party on a #FiveSibes Flashback Friday

FiveSibes Flashback Photo: Christmas 2014 “When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.” ~Bob Hope You're Invited! Join us each week for a walk down Memory Lane by linking up to our Flashback Friday Blog Hop! Share photos of your pets on your blog or social media from yesteryear or yesterday, grab our badge with a nod to our post, and link up to the hop. Link open all week, so join in any time!  Back to FiveSibes Blog Home Page Visit FiveSibes Website & #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Online Library

Merry Christmas to All, and to All A Good #FiveSibes Night!

From Our Husky House   to Your Home ... Merry Christmas to all...          ...and to all a good night!   We are joining in the holiday Pet Parade, hosted by Dash Kitten , Bionic Basil & Barking From the Bayou ! Be sure to check out their blogs and the fellow "hoppers," too! Back to FiveSibes Blog Home Page Visit our FiveSibes Website & #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Online Library  

Dreams of Christmas on a Winter Solstice #FiveSibes Flashback Friday

'Tis the season for peace and heavenly dreams...and a time when Santa Paws peeks in on all good Sibes before coming on Christmas Eve to deliver treats and toys for all good furry girls and boys!  In this Flashback Friday photo from 2015, one of my favorites, our girl Bandit sleeps peacefully under the Christmas tree, waiting for the big day to arrive. The feeling of seeing my dogs happy, healthy, and sleeping so peacefully is a gift in itself. We here at FiveSibes wish you and yours happiness, health, and peace this Christmas season. In celebration of today's Winter Solstice...we here at FiveSibes are lighting a candle for our dear furangel Gibson, who left us in December of 2015, but never ever forgotten. To read my "Remembering Gibson" on his 3rd Anniversary at the Rainbow Bridge, post, please visit HERE .     You're Invited! Join us each week for a walk down Memory Lane by linking up to our Flashback Friday Blog Hop! Share photos...

Countdown to Christmas: Naughty or Nice?

What do you think? Has Wolf been naught or nice this season?   This adorable personalized pet Advent Calendar I purchased for my FiveSibes this year is handmade by Sassy's Goodies, along with the hand-crafted, gluten-free, made in the USA, stocking treats to mark the countdown to Christmas! If there's one way to capture our Huskies' attention, it is with treats! And if you are looking for a special treat for your dog's Advent Calendar or stocking? Don't forget about Sassy's "Gib Nibs" named after my Gibson and made with the Epi-dog in mind! A portion of sales will be donated to The Wally Foundation~Canine Epilepsy!   A tasty gift that also gives back! Visit to order! We Want to Know! Will your pet be on Santa Paws'  "Naughty" or "Nice" List? Did you check  out our recently  UPDATED FiveSibes Gift Guide  for Epi-Dogs   (or any...

💜 Remembering Gibson 💜

Gibson Les Paul of Mystic Mountain "What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~Helen Keller Today dawned gloomily with the heavens crying crystalized tears of frozen rain. Seems very appropriate for the third anniversary of my beloved Gibson earning his furangel wings. It is surreal that it is now three years. One month after my dear mother passed. I can close my eyes and be transported back to that day...that season...but choose not to. Gibson was not only a big fluffy wooly Siberian Husky boy (tipping scales throughout his life from 98 to 120 back to 98 pounds), but he had heart and soul bigger than the sky. He loved life. He never let Canine Epilepsy keep him from enjoying all that life offered. I am so proud he became, and still is, the face of Canine Epilepsy and the positive and inspirational message of hope and how amazing these dogs are. His courage and zest for life is what I hold dear and celebrate when ...

Wait! Who Sees You When You're Sleeping, Wrapping, or Being Naughty or Nice?

Wolf realized that apparently Santa Paws is not the only one who sees them when they're sleeping, wrapping, naughty, or nice! Can you spot who is keeping an eye on Wolfie in this Flashback Friday photo from 2014?! And...did your keen eye notice our cool wrapping paper? Yup! Featuring none other than our cartoonized FiveSibes! Pretty cool, right?!   (You can tell it's the howlidays as we seem to have a little gift wrapping theme going on with our posts! Wednesday's post was all about wrapping up Christmas)!  "When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness." ~Bob Hope   We Want to Know! So, keeping with our Flashing Back theme, also from 2014, brothers Wolf and Gibson would love to know... You're Invited! Join in our weekly FiveSibes Flashback Friday Blog Hop and share your pets' pics from yesteryear or yesterday! Gra...

Wrapping Up Christmas, Husky Style!

 "Woo. I like this paper." Woo! We love the holidays here at FiveSibes! No matter what we are doing, they love to join in. So it's now time for wrapping and I sure do have some pretty awesome elves, Harley and Bandit, to help me! (Wolf and Chloe decided to settle down for a long winter's nap, instead)! "Are we done yet? Is it treat time?" We are a bunch of foodies here, especially during the holiday season, so when all the wrapping was done for the day (still have lots more to do), my FiveSibes were ready for their treat. So it was a yummy cheeseburger snack for my hungry Husky elves!  "Nommm-nomm! Thanks, Mom!"  Have you had a chance to check out our FiveSibes™#LiveGibStrong  Gift Guide for Epi-Dogs (and all dogs really!)?  We have gathered up a collection of some really cool items for your pup we think you'll love to check out!  Click HERE to view our very special Gift Guide! Re...

'Tis the Season for Greeting Cards! Recycle Those Used Stamps To Help Dogs in Need!

Christmas Flashback Moment: Wolf 2015 Shhhhh...we're strolling down a snowy Memory Lane and peeking through the Flashback window to the inside of our FiveSibes homestead at Christmastime, when our Huskies were all excited about getting and receiving holiday cards! (I always joke, but am quite serious, they received FAR more cards than us humans do!)   Flashback Friday Photo Moment: Wolf & Gib 2014 I t's fond past moments like these that brings loved ones back for a brief visit. While all my FiveSibes seem to get more excited during the holidays, Gibson was our holiday Husky elf! He seemed to always enjoy sporting his jingling-jangling reindeer collar (or humoring his hu-mom!) and spreading Christmas cheer wherever he strolled! Greeting cards are a favorite of mine. I will admit, that since the passing of my mother and Gibson three years ago, I hit the pause button on sending out greetings. In the top photo of Wolf with their many cards in their "mai...