
Showing posts from 2017

Making Merry on a Merry Meme Monday

"May the magic of Christmas  warm your heart."  ~Author Unknown Back to Home Page So you can read our other posts you may have missed!

A Letter to Gibson on His 2nd Anniversary at The Rainbow Bridge #LiveGibStrongForever

"I can no longer  see you with my eyes touch you with my hands, but I will feel you in my heart  forever." ~Tanya Lord Dear Gibson,  My beloved fur friend, you are indeed in my heart for always. I cannot believe you have not been here in two years. I still look for you, hear you wooing "I wuv woo," and "ice cream," can see you doing your Gibbe hip-hop dance, feel the weight of your polar bear paw, and miss those Gibbie nibbies and kisses. You were, and always will be, an inspiration to me. You helped me get through some tough days of having autoimmune issues from RA and fibromyalgia, and some days we limped together. I still use your determination and will to fight  your Epi demons to get me through my continuing days, just the same as I helped you through your trials and tribulations of living with Canine Epilepsy.  Your Sibe family misses you, too: your true love Harley, and your younger brother Wolf, and siste...

Christmas Card Trivia on a Flashback Friday!

'Tis the season...for holiday cards!  Let's test your musical holiday knowledge! How many of you recall this Christmas classic song?  "Greeting cards have all been sent  The Christmas rush is through  But I still have one wish to make  A special one for you  Merry Christmas darling..." I bet you are humming that tune now! I am a little late to my own blog hop this week, but it's never too late as you can join in all week with any special memories you may like to share! My special FiveSibes Flashback Friday photo up top is from a few years back when my boys, Wolf and big brother Gibson, joined me in opening up the many wonderful cards sent to us by their fans and friends (they actually receive way more cards than we get)! Since my mother and Gibson's passing, and now with my father-in-law just a month ago, we are taking a respite from sending cards, but do look forward to hopefully once again joining in this wonderful tradition ne...

An Ode to Epi-Dogs Living With Canine Epilepsy on a FiveSibes Flashback Friday

Flashback Photo - December 2012- Gibson with his painted likeness, the artist, and his lead vet! I love Flashback Fridays! While some memories are bittersweet, I prefer to let my mind drift back to those precious moments and relive the joys. Today, as we wrap up November's Epilepsy Awareness Month, I just want to take a moment to say that every day is a day for awareness and to champion these amazing, loving dogs who, even with the challenges of living with Canine Epilepsy, can live full happy lives just the same as dogs who do not have Epilepsy. If your dog has a seizure, always contact your vet immediately, and then research! You are NOT alone! Come on over to my new FiveSibes website and there is a section dedicated to Canine Epilepsy Awareness, where I share all of my books, articles, links to resources, and an encyclopedia information I have learned over the years of loving and caring for my own Epi-dog, Gibson. And as we close out National Epilepsy Awarene...

Giving Thanks

Flashing back to last year with our beautiful "Chloe" on Thanksgiving! From our FiveSibes home to yours, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! "Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are." ~Joyce Giraud How We Spent Black Friday This Year!!! No busy stores or crowds for us! Just a lovely, warm evening being together in front of the faux fire! Wishing you and yours a peaceful and warm holiday season! Today's photo for Day 25: "Purple Flowers" of the #30DaysForEpiNovember Canine Epilepsy Photo Challenge hosted by Confessions of a Rescue Mom . Beautiful purple flowers I received from my dear daughter and son-in-law, on the first anniversary of his journey and the beautiful bouquet and canvas painting from two dear friends I received after his ...

Meet Maddie, an Adoptable Epi All Star!

Meet beautiful Maddie! Maddie currently lives at Husky House Siberian Husky & Fellow K-9 Rescue in New Jersey. She is a sweet eight-year-old Husky/mix who was diagnosed with idiopathic Canine Epilepsy when she was four. In true Epi-dog form, Maddie does not let seizures keep her from enjoying the things she loves, such as food, tennis balls, and snuggling!  As I've always said, dogs with Canine Epilepsy, with a little extra care and lots of love, can live full happy lives! And just look at that happy, smiling face of Maddie's! She is just waiting for her forever family to come and get her! Husky House does stipulate, "Maddie needs a home that can dedicate the time and energy to figuring out her epilepsy. Maddie currently experiences cluster seizures requiring hospitalization at times despite the use of at-home rescue meds. She will need a calm, patient, loving family who can understand and help he with her medical issues." Could that family be you...

EPIc Dog Tales Wins NYC Big Book Award!

WoooooHooooooo! Words cannot express how proud I am to have been notified that my book, my labor of love, EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy has just won the 2017 NYC Big Book Award in the Pet Category! *SO PROUD* And...during November's Epilepsy Awareness Month, how appropos! #LiveGibStrong! 💜 Many thanks to my inspiration, my beloved Gibson, and to my amazing ArcticHouse Publishing family! What an honor for us and for Epi-dogs everywhere! A little self-promotion book (a great holiday gift, hint-hint) can be purchased at and on Amazon! A portion of sales I donate to Canine Epilepsy research! I am just so thrilled...time to do some wooing with the FiveSibes, and look up at the shining stars and blow my Gibbie a kiss. The following is an Amazon affiliate link...should you choose to purchase my book through this link, I will receive a tiny commission at no extra cost...

K9 Epilepsy Awareness: Family and Friends ~and~ Remembering Hu-Nanny & Gibson

Family and friends are so important to families sharing their lives with an Epi-dog, from being supportive emotionally as well as helping hands-on when necessary. They help lift us up on the difficult days, and enjoy all the happy days in between! Days 13 and 14 of the #30DaysForEpiNovember #CanineEpilepsy Photo Challenge, hosted by Kimberley and Epi-dog Rolo of the Confessions of a Rescue Mom blog all month long for November's Epilepsy Awareness Month, focuses on Family and Friends. Our beloved pets are a part of our families, and for my Day #13 "Family" photo challenge pic, I'm sharing one of my favorite FiveSibes family portrait (with a creative twist!)  For Day #14 - "Friends" - a fun and wonderful visit with my FiveSibes, with kisses from Gibbie, with Frankie, her mom, and best friend. Frankie and Gibson shared a very special bond - they both have epilepsy. This was such a special day, I will always keep close to my heart! And today, Day #15 ...