Did You Know ...? Get Your K9 Epilepsy Info Here!

This year, International Epilepsy Day celebrates its 8th anniversary, being founded in 2015. And since it falls so close to Valentine's Day...it's a great reminder to show a whole lot of love for our Epi-dogs (dogs with epilepsy)! 

After years of experience with Gibson, my Epi-dog and 14 years of research as a result, I created my FiveSibes FREE online #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness Online Resource Library to help other families who are on the epilepsy journey with their dogs in an effort to let them know:

 A) They are NOT alone, and 

B) Help is just a keyboard click away!

Who is Gibson of #LiveGibStrong?

Gibson was a beautiful wooly Siberian Husky and a beloved member of the FiveSibes family. Diagnosed with idiopathic Canine Epilepsy at age three in 2009, he is the beautiful face behind the FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Awareness Campaign, created by author and "FiveSibesMom" Dorothy Wills-Raftery. The idea behind #LiveGibStrong is to help spread the word that dogs can - and DO - live full, happy lives with seizures and/or Canine Epilepsy.

Also, through this campaign, we help raise awareness, educacate, and raise funds dog-eared for non-profit Canine Epilepsy organizations, such as the Canine Epilepsy Resources & The Wally Foundation-Canine Epilepsy, that offer immense support to families of Epi-dogs. With special care, medications, and alternative therapies, Gibson lived seven years seizure free and was an inspiration to Epi-dog families worldwide with his zest and love of life. Epilepsy did not define him. Life did. Gibson earned his angel wings December 16, 2015 just three weeks shy of his 10th birthday, NOT from epilepsy, but from hemangiosarcoma that was discovered during surgery after he suddenly became ill. Even as he was carried in for surgery, he wore his big Gibbie smile and gave out those precious Gibbie kisses. He is missed greatly, but is by my side in spirit every single day, inspiring me to be Gib Strong.

 Gibson embraced life and the challenges he met along the way with a big happy Siberian Husky smile. He was a true Epi-Warrior. With Gibson's spirit by my side, we will continue our Canine Epilepsy  advocacy and education in the effort to help and support other Epi-dog families, and to let them know they are not alone in this journey.

 It is our continued wish that as we put our #Paws4Purple together, all Epi-dogs #LiveGibStrong & #LiveGibStrongForever.


 What is International Epilepsy Day?

International #EpilepsyDay is the Second Monday of February
According to the Epilepsy Foundation (Epilepsy.com), #EpilepsyDay "Started in 2015 and organized by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), the day provides a platform for people with epilepsy to share their experiences and stories with a global audience." 
It is also a day to advocate for those living with epilepsy, including dogs.  

This year their message is, "Misconceptions and myths often contribute to the stigma surrounding epilepsy. For example, many people assume that epilepsy is a mental illness, that it limits activities, or even that epilepsy is contagious.This year’s International Epilepsy Day campaign seeks to dispel these myths. By sharing facts about epilepsy, we will challenge public misconceptions about epilepsy. It’s important to educate ourselves and others about the facts about epilepsy and to dispel these myths and misconceptions. This can help to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with epilepsy and ensure that they have access to the same opportunities and rights as everyone else." 
We couldn't agree more.
Here's some important #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong information to help care for dogs with epilepsy because these "Epi-dogs" are amazing warriors and can ~and DO ~ live happy lives.
Have You Seen Our Vetted Cooling Down an Epi-Dog Poster?
Did You Know Your Epi-Dog's Temperature Can Get Dangerously High During/After A Seizure and It's Important to Him/Her Down?
 Click HERE!

There is a huge list of possible seizure triggers? You may be surprised at some of them. Check out my article HERE.

The first place to start eliminating possible triggers (if there is not an underlying health issue diagnosed by your vet) is your dog's food and treats? 

Click on image to read.


If you senior dog starts to have seizures, it's probably NOT epilepsy?
 Click image below to read my article.

In addition to many articles on the subject, I also authored two Award-Winning books on Canine Epilepsy!
And...A portion of sales from both booths is donated to helping Epi-dogs in need.

Sorry, currently this book is out of stock.

The only place to get a new, original copy isthrough us. Check back for updates.  
In 2018 I was invited to have #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong join The Anita Kaufmann Foundation as the FIRST Canine Epilepsy awareness educational site to partner with them for #Paws4Purple Canine Epilepsy Awareness Initiative! You can get FREE downloads of our information, as well as request FREE hard copies to share with your veterinarians, ERs, shelters, rescues, groomers, dog sitters, dog walkers, and more! Click on image below to visit.


Check out our FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong 30 Days of Epi-Tips

Oh, the Life of Olivia is a fellow Epi-Advocate. They also have an informative blog on the subject.
Check out Olivia's FREE E-Book Series!
 Click on image!

There was a special "Talking About Canine Epilepsy" panel discussion, including neurology veterinarian experts.  A “Must-See” for any Epi-dog caregiver. 
To View:

Click on graphic below and enter Passcode: cjZCQs8? in box where asked in order to listen to the 2-hour session (you can pause it).

The Wally Foundation~Canine Epilepsy 
is a non-profit charity organization whose mission is
"To provide financial assistance to the owners of canine epileptics and dog rescue groups to obtain medications and veterinary services."
To read my in-depth article on this fantastic organization, please go HERE. 

To see if your dog qualifies, DM them over on their Facebook page HERE. 
North Carolina State University 
College of Veterinary Medicine
Has Canine Epilepsy Trials & Info?
For more info, or to register your dog on the international data base, visit HERE. To read pamphlet below, click on image.

 Not only has information on Canine Epilepsy, but they also have the Epil-K9 Email Support List where members (you have to sign up) share information and much-needed support to each other. 

                     To sign up, visit HERE.


 And...there is an excellent reputable Facebook Group to join for info and support. You do need to request to join this group, tooClick on image to visit.

My FiveSibes "TheSibeVibe" on Dog Works Radio has many podcasts on Canine Epilepsy you can listen to for FREE?


Tune in to our past #FiveSibes #TheSibeVibe podcasts where talk all about Canine Epilepsy!

Our Dog Writers Association of America Award-Nominated Show for Excellence...

Chatting with Dr. Karen Munana & LVT/Research Specialist Julie Nettifee from North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine  

Canine Epilepsy and Seizures in Dogs: A Chat
With Gibson's Lead Vet, Dr. Arnold Rugg

Talking About the Important Link Between Zinc Deficiency and Seizures in Siberian Huskies with Margit Maxwell

Visit our Online Library to listen to more episodes.

And remember, Canine Epilepsy Awareness is not just one day ~ it's each and  every day because these dogs are amazing and don't let seizures keep them from loving life! 

~Dorothy "FiveSibesMom"


  1. Y'all sure created an amazing movement to battle that terrible disease.

  2. A super awesome post #canineepilepsyawareness 🐾💜🐾

  3. This is such fabulous detailed information! Often when you are presented with an issue you just don't know what to think. You can't think of all the questions you need to have answered or even where to turn. You've covered everything here to help a dog parent with their Epi-Dog. Truly wonderful! You and Gibson have created such an amazing legacy that will endure. I'm always in awe of your work and the legacy you continue to work on for Gibs. Four Purple Paws Up!!! I'm sharing this with all my dog parents and I truly hope that at some point in the near future Epi-Dogs with be a thing of the past. 💜


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