Snow is for Sibe Snow Dogs!


 Snowy #FiveSibes Flashback ~ 2017


"Snow flurries began to fall and they swirled around....It was magical, this snow globe world.” ~Sarah Addison Allen 


'Tis the season for snow! Oh, how my beloved huskies loved snow day, it was in their snow dog DNA. Even before the first flake softly swirled down, it was almost as though they felt it and the excitement would build until I let them out into the yard! I love this pic of my Pupsters Chloe, Wolfgang, and Bee with our alpha queen Harley! We sure missed Gibson (who earned his wings two years before), but on snow days, it always felt so special! And even now, when it snows, I know it's a message from my beloved FiveSibes. Snow will always hold a special place in this FiveSibesMom's heart.


Now, I know not all dogs love the snow like Huskies do with their double coats and snow dog DNA. Even my FiveSibes (although it took some enticing with snacks and fun indoor things to do) enjoyed being indoors in the cold weather. Well, they'd prefer to be out playing in the fluffy white stuff, but this FiveSibesMom had to be creative when they came in! 

Does your dog prefer to be indoors and maybe it gets a little boring? Read my article "Cold Weather Ways to Have Fun With Your Dog Indoors" by clicking on the image below for some great ideas! You can't miss the The Voice~K9 Edition! Turn up the volume for that one!

Click on image to read article & hear video!

💛 Memories Are Visits For the Heart 💛




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  1. Mom's Eskie (Angel Katie) loved the snow!

  2. We know you know our answer - the more snow, the better!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  3. I can only imagine how they would have loved our snow this past week.

  4. Great article, Dorothy! You are right some pups love the snow. I'm always surprised how much Henry loves the snow. Even if it's taller than him, he just hops through it like a kangaroo and enjoys every second. I admit watching him play in the snow always makes me giggle. One of the best things I see him do is playing in the snow and taking a face dive after some smell. I'm about ready to take him out and explore the snow on the property that fell last night. Well, I guess it's still snowing a bit. I bet you watching your five playing in the snow was one of the biggest joys you had with them. It really is fun! I also love the indoor activities. I'm sharing with all my dog parents.

  5. I can almost feel the snow in the photo. I am not surprised they loved going outside and having Husky fun! TBH I am so much a summer girl I am glad our last snow was in 2011 (true). I know someone here has huskies as I took a photo of their number plate for you!

    Marjorie and Toulouse


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