Bandit: Thief of Hearts, Dog Toys, and Anything She Could Get Her Paws On!

Today, back in 2020, it began like any other day...only to become a day I'd never forget, and not for a good reason. Sure, this was the year that change most of our lives with the 2020 being the pandemic year, it also was a year of new beginnings for us at FiveSibes...we had lost three of our beloved Huskies by then: Gibson in 2015, Chloe and Harley three months apart in 2019...and then on this date, our crazy, lovable, beautiful "Bandit" a/k/a "Bee" and "BandaBear" earned her wings and silver harness at age 12½, leaving the last of our pack family, her brother/littermate and my baby boy, Wolfie, without his furfamily.

As I sit here today, it is still so surreal to me that all of my beautiful, wonderful FiveSibes have now earned their wings. As I gaze out my window, I recall their beautiful, so-not-majestic group howls, the sounds of their 20 paws pounding through the room or across our back deck as they engaged in fun zoomies, or the woos and woofs when they wanted a snack.

Remembering one's Rainbow Bridge anniversary, reminds me now of all of them. Not one without the other, but then again, that is how they lived their big, wild, wonderful, love-filled life - all together. It brings me some peace to know the are all together once again, but it's bittersweet because quite frankly, I wish they were still here with me, full of life and love, and at an eternal age where no one ages or gets sick. I know it's a dream, but how wonderful would that be?

I have not yet found it in my heart to welcome another dog, and that is a strange place for me as I've never not had one in my entire life. But, due to chronic health issues, it puts me in a completely different place and unable to properly care for a dog again. And that hurts. In my heart, I know one day when it's right we will welcome another furry friend into our family. For when I welcome dogs into my family, I give them my all, nothing less. So for now, my broken heart runs on memories.

But until the day when we once again hear the pounding of paw prints in our home, I am left with my memories. Oh, and there are so many. Today, is for Bandit. What can I say about her that I haven't already? If there was one dog who I thought would go to 100, it would have been her. But it was not to be.

Bee was the crazy Husky in the bunch. Like a toddler, I can still hear me calling out, "Bandit!" as she had gotten herself into some mischief. Her biggest theft? Stealing as many of the FiveSibes' toys she could and hiding them under her, like she was guarding a pile of gold! Bought new beds? Bandit would be on top of all five. "BandaBear! Those are not all yours!" New toys (and always five, one for each), same - she'd rush in and sneak them off to a pile, then lay there with them all daring the others to come take theirs. She even dared to steal my grandson's baby pacifer and act like she didn't! BOL!


Bandit was the quietest of the FiveSibes pack. While she was a hearty howler with Harley, Gibson, her brother Wolfie, and sister Chloe, Bee hardly ever barked, and wooed on her own very seldom. But she had a keen eye and nothing got past her! She could spot and catch a bird in flight in a nano second. She loved to lie low in the grass and dart out at speeds I didn't know a dog could run! She was also the pack's big kisser! Oh, did that girl love to give licks! She was also lightning fast! I think she fostered dreams of being an Iditarod racer! When they all had zoomies, it was a definite tie who was the zoomiest, her or our alpha queen Harley. Bandit fostered dreams of being the alpha, but surrogate momma Harley would in her tough, but kind way, let her know who was boss. Bandit was also very strong and healthy. Until she wasn't. And that brings me to this date in 2020. If you'd like to read her memorial, please visit HERE.

I sit here and wonder if sharing their Rainbow Bridge anniversary dates is a good thing or not. I do it because honestly this is their blog. I wouldn't have FiveSibes blog or Facebook page or my books without them and their inspiration. A huge part of my life has been as their "FiveSibesMom" - how could I not remember them each on their heavenly date? Maybe one year I'll stop and just remember them in my mind as they are always in my thoughts and in my heart. But until that day, I'll honor them here and hope they know how so very much they were loved, still are, and always will be.

To think this is Bandit's fourth Rainbow Bridge anniversary blows my mind. Time is so surreal...and really does pass by way too quickly.

So, like our BandaBear, go out and play with your dogs and family. Have zoomies all around your yard and house. Eat the treats. Go for that walk. Take that nap. Snuggle up with your dog(s).

Life is too short and goes by too quickly not to. Cherish every single memory. 

Dear Bee,

 You and all of your crazy shenanigans are truly missed. I hope you and your siblings Wolfie and Chloe, as well as Harely and Gibson, are all howling and having some wild and awesome zoomies north of the Rainbow Bridge.

You'll always be in my heart. 

Your Forever FiveSibesMom

❤️ Memories Are Visits For The Heart ❤️


I know today is Thursday, but I felt this would be a wonderful flashback post. So in memory of dear Bandit, I'm combining #ThrowbackThrusday with my #FlashbackFriday, and opening the #FBF blog hop up a day early. As always, the link will be open for a week, so join in any time!




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