Remembering Our Beautiful Alpha Queen "Harley" on Her 5th Rainbow Bridge Anniversary

FiveSibes #Flashback ~ Harley, 11, with one of her fave toys ~ 2016

Today is the fifth...FIFTH...anniversary of when our beautiful alpha queen "Harley" earned her furangel wings. I cannot believe it has been five years since she has been gone, and while she was a very petite Husky, she had the biggest personality. So many things I remember about her. From the day we surprised my daughter (who was in high school at the time) by taking a trip to an hour away in a rainstorm to meet her. My daughter always wanted a Siberian Husky, and we waited until we thought she was ready for the responsibility. We had our beautiful, wonderful rescue dog "Chelsey" who was a senior by then, and my husband and I made the decision to let Jenn pick out her own dog. 

Enter Harley. She was the most true Siberian Husky, alpha "momma," gorgeous black and white Husky with a Cleopatra mask and queen's attitude ("badass" as my daughter referred to her) to match that I have ever met. While she was my daughter's, she eventually went on to become the alpha, the love of Gibson's life, and the amazing surrogate momma (Harley was spayed, so she took the Pupsters Wolfie, Chloe, and Bandit under her motherly wing). Harley could play ALL day...zoomies and Fetch were her ultimate favorite things to do. Now,  you didn't want to bother her when she was snoozing as she could morph into "Snarley Harley," something we believe she learned from our very senior dog, Chelsey, who was also exhibiting signs of dementia at the time. So we let her retire to the spoiled life of sleeping in the sunbeams in my daughter's room whenever she wanted!

There's not much else I can say about our beautiful Harley who truly ruled our pack like the queen she knew she was that I haven't already written about, except she is so very missed.  I never thought much about losing her, or any of my FiveSibes. And while we had 14.5 amazing years with her, it's never ever enough.

So as not to reinvent the wheel, if you'd like to take a look back at this beautiful, amazing girl, HERE is my original tribute post from when she passed.

Harley, the "Mother" of our FiveSibes Husky Pack

Coincidentally, I just read an article called "The Healing Power of Reminiscing" and I couldn't agree with it more when the author wrote, "Nostalgia isn’t just a fun, frivolous trend or marketing ploy — it’s actually good for you. There are serious psychological benefits to remembering the good old days, especially those from your own life. A 2021 study released in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal found that nostalgia helped stave off loneliness.... If you’re looking for a boost of bliss, the key could be looking backward."

Sometimes, when we are feeling very lost in our grief for our beautiful pets who have passed, I think this is key. As I always say, "Memories are visits for the heart."

And, indeed they are.


💖 Harley,  you will forever be in our hearts.💖

"It's great to reminisce about good memories of my past. It was enjoyable when it was today. So learning to enjoy today has two benefits: it gives me happiness right now, and it becomes a good memory later."~George Foreman


💛 Memories Are Visits For The Heart 💛 



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  1. It truly is hard to fathom 5 years have passed since your beautiful queen earned her wings. She may be gone but she will never be forgotten. Sending gentle thoughts of comfort as you reminisce the beautiful life you shared with sweet Queen Harley ❤️‍🩹

  2. Hugs as you remember that most gorgeous Angel Harley.

  3. Beautiful words for a sweet girl, our babies are very missed 🌈🐾❤️😞

  4. This week got away from me, and while I had hoped to write a true flash back post, I just couldn’t find time to write anything this week. I will join your blog hop though, I’ll go find a good post from our past, to flashback to in honor of the theme.

    As for your girl, she was beautiful! So many huskies, along with pitties and chihuahuas, seem to end up in shelters. I’ve read they can be a very challenging breed, and that huskies are also escape artists. Do you find this to be true? Yours all seemed to be such special characters! It makes me wish I could have met them.

  5. Such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful pup! Well done, Dorothy! You are right that reminiscing is good for the heart. I don't know why we'd be gifted with memories if all they did was hurt us. They must help our hearts and healing. The video on the linked article about her crossing over the rainbow bridge is a great expression of Harley's personality. She truly was a special pup and so lucky to have you, your daughter, your family, Gibson, Chloe, Bandit, and Wolfie. Funny how Chelsey taught her to be snarly Harley when sleeping. I always find it so interesting how our pups (and us humans) learn these little odd behaviors. Monkey see, monkey do (or I guess that would be Harley see, Harley do). Super tribute flashback! I'm sharing with all my dog parents. Thanks, Dorothy!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to Harley, she was so blessed to have you as her Mom and reading about her helps me know her more. Big hugs from Nili on this special day xxxx

  7. Harley was the most amazing looking Husky, no wonder she won hearts!

    I did not know that quote but it resonates deeply with me. So many memories we can treasure and they do us good.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  8. Such precious pups come along once in a lifetime, and they never really leave. I'm glad she was part of your pack.

  9. I can't believe it's been 5 years! I never knew she was actually your daughter's dog and that she picked her out. What a special, wonderful dog Harley was. You're so right, it is Never enough time. I love that purple heart & wings graphic, it's so pretty!


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