Goodbye Pool Days; Hello School Daze

   FiveSibes Flashback ~ Bandit ~ Summer 2015
Summer should get a speeding ticket for going by way too fast. While I do love the other seasons, and when I had my beloved FiveSibes, summer was a tough one since they looooove the cold, but oh, boy, when I brought out their kiddie pools, it was crazy, wet, splashing shenanigans! Our back deck became a wet speedway where they would zoomie through the pools, down the ramp, all around the yard, back up the ramp, and through the pools, and repeat! Add in some loud splashes and great fun howling, grrrrrring sounds, and summer was truly a blast as they enjoyed the great outdoors while beating the heat (before it was back in for snoozes in the a/c)!
I actually toiled over which topic to write about today as this month marked a bunch of fun posts, but I decided on this beautiful shot of our "Bee" girl soaking up the cool water in the pool. It's also that time of year when the kids go back to school, but since I shared my infographic on the FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews Facebook page and on our Instagram (@FiveSibesMom) page, I thought I'd make this post all about one of those perfect summer pool days, ahead of the school "daze" when our pets really miss the laid back family-filled day.
 If you'd like to read our infographic with some great tips to help that transition period (typically the first month) of dogs missing their hu-family members, just click on the snapshot below!
For Our FiveSibes Back-to-School infographic,
click on the snapshot below!
We hope all the kids and the doggies who patiently wait for them all day have a wonderful and safe school year.  
(Please watch your dogs when those school buses come by!)
And while we prepare to bid a fond adieu to August and look ahead to September, there is a short period of time this month when the hot sunny summer days still linger on a bit before the cooler autumn ones, we hope you and your dogs enjoy a few more pool days before the school days (or daze)!
What is your pet's favorite summer
past time?


💛 Memories Are Visits For The Heart 💛



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  1. Splish and splash is lots more fun that going to school!

  2. I love summer and pools, splash splash splash, I remember us doing a pool party in the park for our dogs and not one dog wanted to get wet LOL, but us humans had a blast

  3. What a fun memory of your fivesibes splashing in the kiddie pool on your deck! Bandit certainly looked like she loved every moment! The summer temperatures are rough (or ruff) on Henry too. Actually, any temp more than what feels like "cold" to me is too hot for Henry. He'll go outside for a couple of minutes and quickly get overheated. I'm glad I have a few cooling vests for him. I do like fall a lot better than summer. Well, except for the shorter days. I think Henry favors winters like your pack. He loves being outside late into the evening in the summer. Crazy how fast time goes by as an adult and as a kid it feels like time stands still. That should be reversed. Such a beautiful flashback. It made me smile. Henry and I are sending you pumpkin hugs.

  4. Oh, I'll bet the pools were the scene of so much fun! It sounds like something I'd like to do some time on these hot days.

  5. My husky also loves pool days! Love the tips on the infographic to help your pup with the transition to school days. It's an adjustment for everyone 😊


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