FiveSibes Children's Dog Book Earns Story Monsters® Purple Dragonfly Award


My FiveSibes™ Tale book, Getting Healthy With Harley, pictured here with its prestigious new Purple Dragonfly award seal from Story Monsters® and the beautiful medal next to my photo of my beloved inspirations, the FiveSibes, and my treasured Siberian Husky Tiffany lamp.

Writing and Huskies have been a huge part of my life and loves. When I first began writing my FiveSibes™ Tales children's books featuring my beloved Harley, Gibson, Wolfie, Chloe, and Bandit, I never imagined that the books would be so widely welcomed and receive such prestigious awards! Oh, how that warms my author's heart! And, here, 10 years later, I am still so honored that my Getting Healthy With Harley: Learning About Health & Fitness would be the FIRST PLACE recipient of the Story Monsters Purple Dragonfly Award in the Fitness/Exercise category! WOW! To be recognized by this amazing children's publishing company is absolutely a thrill. As my young granddaughter told me, "Nanny, a really good book for children is one with the round seal on them." Now, I'm thrilled and honored to say this book has a seal! WoooHoo!  I think our Harley would be so impressed!

"The Purple Dragonfly Book Awards recognizes accomplished...published authors in the field of children's literature. Being honored with a Purple Dragonfly Book Award confers credibility upon the winner and gives published authors the recognition they deserve."


So for this #FlashbackFriday, I think it is only fitting to share a pic of the now multi award-winning book's star - our beautiful alpha queen "Harley" posing with the book all about her! 


#FiveSibes #Flashback Photo ~ Harley & book ~ 2015
My Getting Healthy With Harley book has previously been awarded "Best in Print" for five consecutive years by AmericanPet Magazine, as well as being named to the "Top Dog Book for Kids" list by Talent Hounds!

It's a wonderful thing to have a book recognized, and especially thrilling to be carrying on the wonderful legacy of my FiveSibes.

This tale takes the reader on a fun, rhyming adventure of when Harley tries to get the other four Huskies—Gibson, Chloe, Wolfie, and Bandit— to eat better and exercise in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

There are still some limited copies of this book available, now proudly with the Purple Dragonfly award seal, on our website. (They are currently no longer available on Amazon, only on my website under the ArcticHouse Books & Gifts Shoppe tab, or you can click below to order directly through PayPal (accepts all major credit cards).



I'm also very proud to say this book is my grandson's favorite book! Oh, be still my heart! And the fun part is that when I surprised him as a class "mystery reader," he chose my book to read to his elementary class, with him helping me to turn the pages. Such a blast!

While originally when I began this series of books, it had been my dream to publish five FiveSibes Tales children's books, one highlighting each of my pups, unfortunately, my illustrator had suddenly dropped out of the industry unbeknownst to be, and left me in a bit of a pickle. She is unfortunately no longer is working in that field, which is why there has been a long pause between books. However, stay tuned, because I'll be once again working to fulfill this dream of mine starting with two upcoming a "junior" tale, that takes the books in a different direction and hopefully will be out by the end of summer, so stay tuned! The other is a continuation of the original FiveSibes Tales that was left incomplete, but I'm working on finishing it myself and *hope* to bring to print sometime in the near future. The first FiveSibes Tale, What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy sold out three times (!!!), and I do hope to one day bring that back eventually, too!

But, for today's very special flashback, I have to give a special shout out to our beautiful alpha queen furangel, Harley, for being the amazing furry inspiration behind Getting Healthy With Harley! 

"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. 
It should be offered as a gift." 
~ Kate DiCamillo

 💛 Memories Are Visits For The Heart 💛

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  1. Congratulations! What an honor for you and the FiveSibes. ♥ I agree with your grandson, it is a good book!

  2. That is so darn cool. Congratulations from all of us!

  3. What an honor, Dorothy! Congratulations! I'm certain your FiveSibes (and your mom) will be moving things to bring the rest of the five books to publish and I cannot wait for it! Let the awards begin because I'm absolutely certain each will be award winning as well. You are so gifted as telling an engaging story and your awards are so well deserved. I'm thrilled for you and waiting anxiously for the newest publications. By the way, your grandson has good taste with grandma's book being his favorite. I bet his class was excited to have the author reading to them. That is very special and a great memory for them all. I'm sharing with all my dog parents so they can get the holiday book list set.

  4. Congratulations!!! That is so awesome. I wish you luck and speed on getting your next books published. I love the idea of helping children through your pup's stories :)

  5. I love that quote, reading truly is a gift - it's always been so for me ever since childhood. Congratulations on receiving this purple seal! I love this book too, and so did the kids who read it in our therapy dog sessions - I used to bring it with Icy and I to the children's reading programs.

  6. A huge and hearty congratulations to you!!! I'm glad your dream of writing has come true and is continuing ot come true for you.

  7. This is a wonderful book. I sent a copy to my Mum and she loved it too. It is beautiful and oh so helpful for kids, after all, who listens to their mom when they can have a dog tell them what to do * grin *

    Congratulations on such a prestigious award!

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  8. Woo-hoo! Congratulations-such well deserved recognition. 💜


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