Rescuing Aria: Calling Upon a Village to Help A Starving, Sick Siberian Husky

"Aria" on her rescue ride out of the shelter. Aria is an abandoned Husky that is a starvation case MUSH Rescue stepped in to help. In order to give Aria the medical care she needs, will take a village of caring folks.

The number of Siberian Huskies and Husky mixes filling shelters is at an overwhelmingly and alarming rate. Why are so many being abandoned? What do people think will happen to the dogs the drop off, or worse yet, just abandon to the streets? There are not enough people to foster and/or adopt them. The shelters are full beyond capacity and are scheduling these sweet dogs to euthanization because they have no room and no fosters to take them in. There has to be a way to get this under control...a way to reach people and say, "Hey, yes, that Siberian Husky is indeed gorgeous, but do you know their habits? Traits? Needs? Will you give him/her a home forever? Take care of the Husky in sickness and health? Be a responsible pet parent?"

"Aria" from photos supplied by shelter that placed the call to 
MUSH Rescue to save Aria.

While this homeless Husky situation spirals out of control, rescues are struggling to save them, rescues like MUSH Rescue, who recently, while having absolutely no space or funding for her, could not turn their back on the frail, emaciated, possibly diabetic, 16-pound young adult Husky that was found sick in someone's backyard. Yes. Aria is just SIXTEEN POUNDS! If you've ever been fortunate enough to have a Siberian Husky, you know how this is not healthy; it's starvation. We know there must be a sad, gut-wrenching story to this dog. A story we all may never know the full extent of since she was found in this condition. MUSH Rescue received a call from the shelter folks who fell in love with her, and MUSH Rescue couldn't refuse, even without a place or funds to help her, and they stepped in with their volunteers and rescued Aria on the day she was due to be euthanized.

Emaciated 16-pound, 4/5 years old Siberian Husky "Aria" on her Rescue Day

"MUSH Rescue takes pride in helping those who need it the most," notes MUSH Rescue foster/rescue coordinator. "See, Aria was a starvation case and we weren't sure she would even survive after pulling her from the shelter. She is an adult dog, around 4 years old and only weighs 16 pounds. Her bloodwork values were all over the place. We are giving her a fighting chance. She is currently at the vet for assessment and monitoring."

"Knowing that Aria will need extensive and expensive medical care, we weren’t sure if we could help her. After talking with shelter employees and hearing how sweet this girl is, we couldn’t say no. We have all resolved to raise funds in any way that we can and give her the much needed medical care so she can have the happy, healthy life that she deserves."~MUSH Rescue

But care takes money. And in order to save a Husky, a rescue needs a foster commitment, and money.

Today, the economy is awful. We all know how expensive everything is from a simple container of milk to the ridiculous amount our grocery bills have become. In the dog rescuing world, the rescuees need emergency vet care, medications, grooming, food, training, supplies, and the list goes on. We are all too aware of the inflation we are all dealing with. Yet, rescues continue to try and help as many Huskies in need as possible.

Aria's condition is grave, but MUSH Rescue folks are not giving up.

"When the MUSH Rescue team received a plea for help with sweet Aria from the Gwinnett County Animal Shelter it brought most of us to tears," notes the rescue/foster coordinator. "MUSH had just taken in three Siberian Huskies and each had to have expensive surgeries and another three needing expensive heartworm treatment. We have depleted funds in the last two months. Knowing that Aria will need extensive and expensive medical care, we weren’t sure if we could help her. After talking with shelter employees and hearing how sweet this girl is, we couldn’t say no. We have all resolved to raise funds in any way that we can and give her the much needed medical care so she can have the happy, healthy life that she deserves."

The staff at Gwinnet County Animals Shelter stated that Aria, even in her current condition, "is one of the sweetest dogs to ever come through our doors. She has quickly become a staff favorite and will make an AMAZING addition to any home!" Wow! That is the amazing trait of a dog—to be so loving and forgiving.


Aria's Freedom Ride!

Saving One Husky Takes An Entire Village

If you can help—any amount—think of it as giving up coffee or your favorite soda for a week could make a huge difference in Aria's life! Everyone wants the dogs to be rescued, and not everyone can take in one to foster or adopt, but a donation is another way to help. As is sharing this post to others. Maybe you know of a business who would be willing to help? If we all think outside of the box, I'm confident we can help MUSH Rescue help Aria! And what a joy it will be to see her getting healthy and happy and hopefully adopted into a loving, forever home, to know we all had a hand in helping this Husky who was quite literally on Death Row.

To DONATE to Aria's Care:

"We definitely can't do this without you and your donations," notes MUSH Rescue. "Please, if you can, donate towards Aria's care."

Maybe if we all forgo our cup of coffee or soda, or takeout food and donate it instead to Aria's care...something as simple as that multiplied out by all the rescue fans, it will make a difference in the life of a dog like Aria. 

To donate to Aria's care, they have several methods. You can simply click on the MUSH Rescue's GoFundMe fundraiser below:


Or, you can click on their Facebook fundraiser page for Aria. There, simply click on the DONATE button.


 Other ways to donate to Aria's care is by visiting the link on their website or by PayPal to: and also Venmo @mushrescueinc

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to MUSH Rescue by clicking on the CONTACT form on their website listed above.

***Aria Update***

Aria has now been released from the animal hospital and is with a foster! She is now 23 pounds up from the 16 pounds she was when rescued. She is on a bland diet and a high-calorie supplement to help her safely put weight back on. They still need lots of care for her, which takes donations. Aria will be going back in two weeks to the vet. You can follow her progress on MUSH Rescue's Facebook page and also on Buddy, the Christmas Husky's Facebook page!





 Who and Where is MUSH Rescue?
MUSH Rescue, Siberian Husky Rescue of Atlanta, was founded in 2008 and is based out of Metro Atlanta, GA, helping rescue Siberian Huskies from the surrounding areas. MUSH Rescue is not a shelter with visiting hours. They have no on-site building.
The are a team of volunteers with a network of foster homes for the Huskies they rescue. Their chapter directors, officers, and trustees are also volunteers.
"What brings us together is our love for Siberian Huskies and the desire to help these displaced animals find their fur-ever homes," states
MUSH Rescue is a nonprofit, federal tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
"Our expenses are funded by adoption fees and donations. We rely on the generosity of others who, like us, understand and admire the complexity of this unique and highly intelligent breed, and want to help combat the effects of pet overpopulation in our community."




  1. Poor Aria. I sure hope all is well that ends well for that precious pup.

  2. Breaks my heart. Praying for Aria's well being.

  3. Just donated a bit out of my Paypal, where I keep a little set aside for emergencies. I hope she makes it.

    1. Oh, how wonderful! Thank you, and I know MUSH Rescue and sweet Aria really appreciates it too!

  4. It's absolutely sickening how cruel some people can be, and how often they get away with that cruelty. Thanks to those who rescued Aria, and are giving her the chance at the happy and peaceful life she deserves.

  5. Oh my, what a beautiful pup and a lovely organization. I know with everyone pulling together her funds will be raised and her furever home found. I have a friend who is currently fostering a large mix puppy. He was rescued the pup from the street and scared of everything. He's as big as a Husky, yet only weighed 10 lbs. I told my friend you could literally see all his internal organs because he was simply skin and bones. I have to say, I've been happy to see him recover beautifully from his traumatic start. He's put on weight and his confidence has skyrocketed, yet he's still as sweet as the first day he was rescued. Now, he looks like a healthy pup and is currently going on meet-and-greets to find his future furever home. I know in my heart Aria will have just as happy an ending. There's too many of us out here lifting her and MUSH up. Thank you, Dorothy for sharing Aria's story. I'm sharing will all my dog parents to meet her medical bills and find her new home. Please keep us posted on her progress.

  6. Seriously. This supposed to be beefy and strong Husky was 16 pounds??? I could lift her up myself!

    There is a whole sub-species of people who have no empathy, no compassion and whose utter selfishness leaves me speechless. It is not just the US (look at the cats of Egypt for example) it is a worldwide sickness.

    I will share and share for this brave dog.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  7. It makes me sick that people can let a dog down by starving them, it is total abuse and they should be charged and fined to pay the vet costs. There are so many Huskies all of a sudden being dumped in shelters it is just sickening, I am seeing it daily and am seeing more of them in dog parks also. My prayers go out to Aria that she will heal and have a healthy happy life


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