It's Our 9th Annual #LiveGibStrong Purple Day® for Epilepsy Blog Hop! Show Us Your Purple! AND...the Debut of our NEW Caregiver Video!



 Welcome to our 9th Annual FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Purple Day® Blog Hop & Media Share! For those who may be new to this annual event or to our site, I began my own personal journey with an Epi-dog, my beloved Gibson, back in 2009 shortly after his third birthday. After a series of grand mal and cluster seizures that had me rushing Gibson to an ER after hours (because these things always seem to happen late at night). Thankfully, he survived the ER visit and after much testing, he was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy (or no known cause). I have written much about our journey, our education, and even pages from my journal that you can find on my site HERE. Inspired by Gibson and his zest for life, I created the free #LiveGibStrong K-9 Epilepsy Online Resource Library that contains much vetted information to help others on their journey.



Don't Miss the Debut of Our NEW "Caring for the Epi-Dog & Caregiver" Slideshow Below!



In 2012, I became an official ambassador with Purple Day for Epilepsy, as well as joining up with the Purple Day® Every Day/The Anita Kaufmann Foundation in 2018 where we launched my #LiveGibStrong #Paws4Purple initiative! I'm very proud of being the first canine outreach program welcomed by open arms by the human organization who has supported my awareness ever since. 

And...they are so wonderful and have printed up beautiful large bookmarks I designed. If you'd like *FREE* copies of bookmarks (great not only for books, but to put up on your fridge!) by Emailing and request the #Paws4Purple bookmarks!


These are also wonderful to give your:

✔️Veterinarian Offices

✔️ER Vet Hospitals


✔️Dog Sitter

✔️Doggy Daycare

✔️Shelters & Rescues (to send home with adopters & fosters of dogs with seizures) 

✔️Dog Wardens/Animal Control Officers


✔️Dog Walkers

✔️Dog Parks

✔️Pet Supply Stores/Pet Boutiques

✔️Dog-Friendly Businesses

✔️Police Departments

✔️Fire Departments




You know the’ve been up most of the night watching over your beloved dog who just had a seizure. Whether you dog has been diagnosed with Canine Epilepsy or just experienced its first seizure, it is a frightening experience for dog caregivers. Triggers come in many ways and forms, and not all the same things trigger a seizure in dogs. The “wild west” of causes can keep a dog parent on edge—from developing a care and hopefully anti-seizure treatment plan with your vet, to the daily worry of whether or not your dog will have another seizure. Then there is the post-seizure cleanup of both your beloved dog and its surrounds. Caring for an Epi-dog can be exhausting mentally, physically, and sometimes even financially. 

While we now know a lot about Canine Epilepsy and how these Epi-dogs can and do live happy lives thanks to medication, nutrition, alternative therapies, and mainly the overall care given by the families who love them. But just as important as it is caring for dogs with epilepsy, it is equally important to care for the caregiver.


So very excited to debut a new slideshow I created with support from Karen Muñana, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Neurology) and Julie Nettifee, RVT, MS, VTS (Neurology) of the Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab titled "Caring For The Epi-Dog & Caregiver." Along with important information on self-care, I'm also proud to share some caregivers tips and info on how they not only care for their Epi-dogs, but how they care for themselves in order to stay strong and give the best care possible to their special needs dogs.

And...a bit of trivia, the beautiful music you hear in this slideshow video was written and composed by Julie Nettifee of the Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab, and the piano and vocals are by Lyndy Harden! 

Note: The best way to watch the video is to pause it to allow time to read the heartfelt information given by Epi-dog caregivers across the world, from the US to the UK. This is also available in PDF print copy if you would like one sent to you, Email us at FiveSibesLiveGibStrong(at)gmail(dot)com and put Epi-Dog Caregiver in the Subject Line.

This video was a project of love, and as always, inspired by my beloved Gibson. I had such a wonderful response to the call-out and truly appreciate other Epi-dog caregivers joining in to share their information. We are all in this together! If you find yourself and your dog on this journey called Canine Epilepsy, know you are not alone.

What is Purple Day All About?

Below is a video I created all about this important day founded by Cassidy Megan of Canada.

Two years ago, I was honored to be invited to be part of the Purple Day® Around the World Education Week. I created this FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong & #Paws4Purple presentation for that event. I think you'll enjoy it and find it very informative.


"I know this journey can be so hard-but it also can be filled with connection, growth and other opportunities." 

 ~Julie Ann Nettifee, RVT, MS, VTS (Neurology) 
Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab
at North Carolina State University-College of Veterinary Medicine
2020 American Humane Hero Veterinary Nurse Award Winner


Where Do You Go If You Need Info on Canine Epilepsy?

There are plenty of helpful resources out there, and there are also (I regret to say) some self-proclaimed "experts" who are not supportive and only give their opinions that are not vetted or based in fact, and that is a serious disservice to the dogs in need. Not to mention that epilepsy is not a one-size-fits-all neurological disorder. Now, of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but when it comes to health and safety of an animal, I believe in going directly to the veterinarian experts and researchers skilled in this neurological field.

So how do you know if you are getting the right information out there on the wild web? That's where we come in! As a career journalist, research is my thing! Through my years of gathering information and learning all I could from THE experts about Canine Epilepsy, and professional relationships I have forged and value with respected veterinarian epilepsy experts, I created the FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong K9 Epilepsy Online Library & Resource Center page right here on my FiveSibes blog for others to go to in an effort to help point them in the right direction to obtain info that will in turn help them help their Epi-dogs. And always talk to your own vet or vet neurologist. This information is to help you understand Canine Epilepsy so you can in turn have informative conversations with your vet. If you feel your vet does not have the background in this field, find one who does.
With so much info floating out there, where do you start to be sure you have correct, vetted information?
Always have a talk with your vet, and then an excellent place to start your research is right here...

 Go To Our #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong Online K-9 Epilepsy Resource Library HERE

A Peek at Some of the Info You'll Find in Our Library:


Cooling Down an Epi-Dog: 

Where Do You Put the Cool Pack? 
***So Important!***
 My important informational art poster! 
Did you know that seizing dog's temperature rises and can become a dangerous situation? 
(ALWAYS contact your vet if your dog has a seizure!) 
The beautiful rendition of Gibson was created by the talented artist, Cameo Anderson, and all my info has been vetted by Gibson's amazing lead vet, Dr. Arnold Rugg, Founder of Kingston Animal Hospital, affiliate member of the American Animal Hospital Association and the American Veterinary Society, as well as the New York State Veterinary Medical Society.

More important reading...


 Visit Our "Chalkboard" Area:


Don't miss out reading some inspiring stories about amazing dogs doing amazing things while living with Canine Epilepsy...


And there's so much more info!
Just Visit Our

✰ ✰ ✰ 
"I tell my clients that treatment of epilepsy requires an individualized approach, 
and it is important to find what works well for you and your dog - 
rather than what works for others."
~Karen R. Muñana, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Neurology)
North Carolina State University-College of Veterinary Medicine
Companion Animal Epilepsy Research Lab 

Tune in to our #TheSibeVibe Episodes on Canine Epilepsy!

"When a beloved pet is diagnosed with epilepsy, it  needs to become our mission to advocate for them. Find out everything you can about Canine Epilepsy, and become informed on the topic so that you can have intelligent question-and-answer discussions with your vet about what the best management care of your dog should be. Epi-dogs can--and DO--live happy lives, and can certainly do whatever other dogs who do not have epilepsy can do; like my Siberian Husky, Gibson." 
~Dorothy Wills-Raftery
Author, #LiveGibStrong & #Paws4Purple Creator, 
The Wally Foundation Volunteer Case Worker,
Purple Day® Ambassador for K9 Epilepsy Since 2012


For Joining Us in our 9h Annual #LiveGibStrong
Blog Hop and "Going Purple" with us
for K9 Epilepsy Awareness!

Grab Our Badge for Your Blog! (Feel free to take a screenshot!)

And many thanks to our Purple Day 
Blog Hop Co-Hosts:

💜 Ruby & Caregiver Jan Nowicki

💜 Olivia & Caregiver Jeanaann Barnaby

💜 Gibbs & Caregiver Tracy Smith
And to all the Epi-Warriors and their amazing advocates and caregivers...

And a special "Thank Woo" to my beloved Gibson, my inspiration,  my hero dog, and my forever heart dog, whose bravery and zest for life inspired my to create #LiveGibStrong and help to advocate for Epi-dogs and help educate families and caregivers of dogs with epilepsy may they all #LiveGibStrong.

This blog hop link will be open through March 31st, so join in any time before then! Be sure to click on the "hoppers" below to see others "Go Purple" for Epilepsy awareness.





  1. Gibbs and I are honored to be a part of promoting World Epilepsy Awareness Day! We appreciate all the work that goes into making this annual event. Thank you!

  2. Gibbs and I are honored to help promote World Epilepsy! We appreciate all the hard work that goes in to making this annual event. Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for your love and dedication to Epilepsy Dogs. This is priceless information and truly inspiring and supportive!!! 💜💜💜

  4. It's wonderful the way you turned your journey into so much information to share with those who need it. If I ever do meet anyone with an Epidog, I will know right where to send them!

  5. Thank you so very much for including Elsa in your slideshow-I'm truly touched and convinced without all the info, tips and resources you've shared over the years, Elsa's life would be much different. She remains my epi-warrior and inspires me with a deep sense of passion for this condition. We greatly appreciate all you do for epi-warriors and their caretakers everywhere. 💜 💜 💜

  6. Lulu: "Our Dada's dog Missy from when he was much younger had epilepsy! He was home alone with her the first time she had a seizure he was scared because he was just a kid and didn't know what to do!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, but she was all right after the seizure ended and our Dada's parents took her to the vet and she got medication and lived a long, long time ― long enough to meet our Mama when she and Dada got married, in fact!"

  7. Dorothy, this is such terrific information! I always learn so much when you go into detail on Epi-Dog care. Purple Day is so important to bring awareness. Henry and I shared your post and got the word out to our dog parents. I had never thought about providing information to my vet. I LOVE the idea of the bookmark. I'm going to request one and ask that my vet post it in the lobby so that dog parents can read it while waiting. Heck, it can be a wait at times. Super information, as always. I'm sharing this post as well. You and Gibson have done amazing work. I'm hoping that one day in the near future there will be a cure for this hideous disease.


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